Woody Allen’s Sane Son

January 31, 2008

Ronan Farrow is the son Woody Allen had with his ex wife Mia Farrow. And he’s not been brainwashed by his father. The U.N.’s Human-Rights Sham

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A Forgotten Crisis

January 22, 2008

Washington Post: The United Nations pledged to act on Burma. Instead, it has allowed itself to be bullied and shamed

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The Well is Never Too Deep

January 3, 2008

When you may have been thinking that they had already sufficiently slided into absurdity beyond belief, you were dead wrong. At the UN, it seems the well has no bottom. Turtle Bay’s gift for the new year.

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UN Rewards Mass Murder

October 23, 2007

United Nations Envoy to Burma announced incentives for the Junta. Yes, I’m not kidding you.

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How to Fool the United Nations

October 8, 2007

Because they will still lick boots, no matter what..

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On Burmese Events

October 7, 2007

The Irrawaddy: Generals Extend Blood-Stained Hands to Gambari

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Shame on the UN

October 2, 2007

Christopher Hitchens: Burma’s Foul Regime Depends on China

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UN Envoy Attends Burmese Junta’s Rally

October 1, 2007

If anyone needed more evidence of how irrelevant and morally bankrupted the United Nations has become, here it is, as UN envoy to Burma is touring the country accompained by the Junta’s officials and will be attending an official rally.

Vaclav Havel: Struggling alone .The international community’s failure to act means watching helplessly as victims of repression in Burma are consigned to their fate.

Washington Post : The slaughtered monks of Burma will haunt China

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Why You Can’t Never Count on the UN

September 28, 2007

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Ban Ki-Moon Beats Around The Bush, Gets It Totally Wrong

September 14, 2007

I was trying to convince myself that the announced UN mission in Darfur could actually do something to stop the ongoing genocide over there; but reading this complete nonsense by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, I have to change my mind once again and realize he is no this different than his predecessor. Like Annan with respect to Rwanda, Ki-Moon has just confirmed what a lot of us already knew: he did not understand anything about Darfur, or he doesn’t want to displease his pals in the Arab League by calling it like it is: GENOCIDE.

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L’Iran e l’ONU

August 26, 2007

Magdi Allam: I diritti umani affidati ai tiranni con l’assenso dell’Europa

Le Nazioni Unite hanno incaricato la Libia di presiedere e hanno invitato l’Iran a partecipare a un comitato ristretto di 20 Stati che si riunirà domani a Ginevra per «analizzare le misure contro le discriminazioni e la xenofobia già adottate a Durban nel 2001». Una delle pagine più vergognose dell’Onu.

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UN Springs Into Action?

August 1, 2007

Now we must hope they won’t behave like in Congo, Sierra Leone, etc. etc..

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No Room for Human Rights at Turtle Bay

July 31, 2007

Here is a news we hadn’t noticed before (and the mainstream media deliberately ignored it). Apparently, this journalist forgot to be asking the wrong question in the wrong place. China has for years been been serving as member of the so-called ‘Human Rights’ Council and frankly UN Secy General Ban Ki-Moonbat couldn’t care less of Tibet. But kudos to this journalist anyway, for at least he tried. UN censors question to U.N. chief on Tibet

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon gives no response to question
on Tibet by journalist Jean-Claude Buhrer (right). United Nations European headquarters, Geneva, July 2, 2007

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Nothing New on the UN Front

July 28, 2007

In Lebanon they go to bed early and allowed Hizballah to rearm to strike all of Israel. In Ivory Coast, they sexually-abuse and exploit local children and villagers. It’s the United Nation’s “peacekeepers’.

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UN Caves in To Totalitarian China – Again

July 24, 2007

The sovereign and democratic island of Taiwan has applied for a seat at the United Nations – something it has been doing for years. And the UN has rejected the application again, caving in to the absurd one-China policy that legitimizes the communist giant’s annexionist claims on Taiwan.

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North Korea Fools UN (and Some Other)

July 16, 2007

The genocidal, war-mongering regime of North Korea today has decided that playing games with IAEA is well worth the effort. And the nuclear watchdog is buying every single word coming out of the Stalinist evil snake.

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June 24, 2007

He dreams of a North Africa populated solely by Arabs, supports genocide against non-Arabs in Darfur, discriminates his subjects based on their ethnicity, including Berbers, but apparently the increasingly insignificant United Nations couldn’t care less and thinks that, after serving as head of the ‘Human Rights’ Commission, Qaddhafi is going to teach us lessons on racism.


June 22, 2007

As UNIFIL prepares to go bed early, Hizballah fires two more terror rockets into Israel.

Strong with all the money poured into their pockets by the EU and the US, Hamas is establishing an Islamic regime: Hamas says Christian missionaries will be ‘dealt with harshly,’ demands women wear headscarfs


June 22, 2007

The UN is not just a failure in itself, it’s ruled by ignorance, as well. It’s global warming, not the Janjaweed militias, that’s commiting genocide in Darfur


June 18, 2007

Palestinians pick up what they sowed. Welcome to the Islamist state of Hamas . The Palestinians, a death cult, violent and war-mongering society, could just realize how wrong they were when they murdered Jews to force Israel out of Gaza. And they could start asking Israel to return. On the one side, Israel’s Olmert administration caved in and left Gaza, ignoring the consequences for Israel and the region as a whole. Its far from being a victory for Israel; Gaza is going to be an Al-Qaeda state. Israel should have never handed over Gaza to the Palestinians. The int.l community is desperately looking for a solution. Theirs are crocodile tears. After all, it’s them who pressed Israel to leave the place. Now what? Hard to say. It’s a civil war, but the world community would do good not to send in the ‘peacekeepers’. Let the Palestinians slaughter each other. Yes, that’s what they do best. That’s their raison d’etre. Don’t send our men in uniform to risk their life to save who loves death over life and war over peaceful coexistance. Also, as Magdi Allam says, this situation proves that there will never be a Palestinian state. Because it’s the Palestinians themselves who never wanted it. All they want is the destruction of Israel. And let me say something: I fear for Israel. I fear for her, because I feel as if they are committing suicide. An Islamist state at her doors will only speed up her destruction. Unless Israel elects credible leaders with guts, its end is inevitable. I pray for Israel and for it to wake up sooner than later. You can’t make peace or concessions, let alone talk with who wants to destroy you. You have to act. Wake up, Israel, pls. Re-occupy Gaza. Use your military might. Destroy Hamas, Fatah and the Islamic Jihad. Plug your ears in order not to hear the international community that led to this situation. Enter Gaza to stay. But don’t do it for the Palestinians. Do it for your survival. And to the world: don’t send in men to die for a death cult society. Rather, send them where they’re urgently needed: Darfur. Because there is where people cannot wait too long.

Opinion Journal: Arafat’s Children

Crocodile tears: ‘Things were better when Israel ruled Gaza’. Gaza resident speaks out against factional fighting, says situation in Gaza was better when Israel was in charge

Amil Imani: Israel: It’s Payback Time

Magdi Allam: Stato palestinese addio

BBC sorry for recognizing Jerusalem as the historical capital of Israel.

Under the feet of UNIFIL. So much for the credibility of the much-praised ‘world body’: Hezbollah ‘has stockpiled rockets’ on Israeli border

And again: Anti-Syrian occupation Lebanese MP assassinated

Lebanese columnist: Standing Up to Killers – Syria Must Answer for Its Murders in Lebanon

Fermiamo gli orchi. Fermiamo (e puniamo i pedofili). Diciamo NO al “Boy Love Day” . NO ALLA PEDOFILIA! Difendiamo i bambini ed i minori! Firma la petizione.

This just in, even though it comes as no surprise: Palestinian Authority (leaded by the ‘moderate’ Abu Mazen) paying Schalit captors’ families

Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic: What is at risk is not the climate but freedom

Video: Dennis Miller goes nuclear on Harry Reid. Michelle Malkin’s First Annual Open Border Oscars. Mark Steyn: ‘Undocumented Americans’ (h/t: no2liberals).

Next time, be more cautious when you celebrate the victory of a ‘right-winger’ in non-Anglosaxon Europe, as you could be upset. Me, I am not, because I already knew nothing would really change after all. France calls on EU to fund Hamas regime . Sarkozy invites Hizbullah to France

Magdi Allam: Una manifestazione per i cristiani in Oriente perseguitati. Uccisioni, fughe, conversioni forzate: la fine della tolleranza religiosa nei Paesi islamici

This won’t calm down the ‘anti-war’ crowd.

The enemy within.

Amil Imani: Terrorists’ Bill of Rights

The United Nations are a nonsense. Cuba and Belarus set to escape UN rights scrutiny

From Freedom Works: Support a Free and Open Internet!

Reagan’s prophetic Berlin speech, 20 years later. To remember, here is the full transcript of that historic speech.

Ex-U.N. official convicted in fraud

In Saudi Arabia, a view from behind the veil. As a woman in the male-dominated kingdom, [Los Angeles] Times reporter Megan Stack quietly fumed beneath her abaya. Even beyond its borders, her experience taints her perception of the sexes.

Genocide denying and Sudan apologist article by someone who most probably has never been in Darfur. My advise to the writer: this may teach you a thing or two.

British Court Finds Muslim Father Guilty of Murdering Daughter in ‘Honor Killing’

Transcript: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Fox News Sunday.

Freedom of expression deteriorating in Zapatero’s Spain: Journalist from Libertad Digital menaced and insulted for asking about Cuba

Tens of thousands condemn North Korea’s regime, wave US flags in Seoul.

Statue honors victims of communism. I’m proud to remind you all that the statue is a replica of the Goddess of Democracy, whose symbol has been chosen as logo for this blog.

Another war criminal convicted: Croat Serb convicted of atrocities

Yes, but the damage has already been done

An open letter to the G8 from the best-selling author and prominent critic of the Putin regime: Yelena Tregubova: Why I fled Putin’s Russia. And why the West must appease him no longer

Just wondering: Why Is the U.S. Ignoring Taiwan?

Jailed Chinese Reporter Joins Yahoo Suit

Dargozasht bastanshenaas barjeste va yeki az behtarin yaraan Iranzamin

Como en la Cuba de Fidel, en Venezuela faltan alimentos. Y no hay ‘bloqueo’. Es que es un sistema fracasado.


May 26, 2007

The Olmert administration seems to have realized that the Palestinian Authority is made up with blood-thirsty thugs and as such they are legitimate targets: IDF arrests Hamas education minister

Salim Mansur: Fifty-Nine Years of Hate. Arabs still deny Israel’s right to exist

Investors’ Business Daily: And Now, Al-Qaida In Lebanon

Fight on, Lebanon. “Fatah al-Islam” wages Syria’s war by proxy

Lebanon Fights Al-Qaeda. Our allies need the support of their freedom-loving friends

Business as usual at Amnesty International

Sderot: Still Under Fire. Israelis continue to suffer as a woman loses her life to a Qassam missile

People of Sderot, I am with you. Sderot residents call for action in Gaza. Poll reveals 71 percent of Sderot residents want military action in Gaza Strip, even if it means increased Qassam attacks; 94 percent blame government for poor security situation. A woman was killed by a rocket and Israel did its duty by fighting back and targetting Qassam cells. According to the Italian FM, Israel should simply sit back and stand idly by while the Nazis massacre the Jews. Here’s a short videoclip showing a Qassam rocket falling right next to a Sderot gas station.

The Olmert government does a right thing and a wrong one.

United – with anti-semites – Nations Watch: Jewish NGO denied U.N. status

Fred Thompson on sex trafficking and United Nations.

No, I am not surprised: ‘Soviets engineered Six Day War’

Muslim cabdrivers refusing blind passengers in Australia. But now they may face fines.

No suprise at all here: Jihadis aspire to ‘conquer France’

He he he he… Ha ha ha ha..

Olivier Guitta: Al Qaeda’s new strategy

Rosie O’Donnell without make-up (h/t: no2liberals)

Torture according to GITMO detainees. The Islamic Fascists and Assassins detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are seething and whining over horrific tortures they are going through..: being forced to read a newsletter full of ‘crap,’ being forced to use unscented deodorant and shampoo and having to play sports with a ball that would not bounce. Human Rights First is outraged and is asking for the brutal torturers to end this depravity and grant all of the detainees a ball that bounces, a decent newsletter and the possibility to read emails containing nice messages such as ‘death to the infidels’, ‘jihad is our way’ , instead of disgusting crap such as ‘learn to love life and renounce to your ideology of death, supremacism and violence’. (Pls, note my sarcasm)

From Hitler Mouse to Mother’s Suicide Mission. New horror video incites Palestinians to commit acts of terror

Canadian Coalition for Democracies: Canada must not fund Palestinian terror through UNRWA

Fjordman: The totalitarian character of Multiculturalism

FPM: Iranian “Reform” Charades. The mullahs – Rafsanjani, Khatami,Khamenei and Ahmadinejad – are all Islamic fundamentalists

In un paese serio, con una giustizia che funziona, uno come Sofri avrebbe l’ergastolo senza sconti di pena per il crimine che ha commesso.

At the beginning, Al-Hurra was established as a tool against the spread of Islamist propaganda. But it has been taken over by the Islamists. So, today we have another arabic TV airing anti-semitism. Your taxes at work, again. Arabic-Language Channel Airs Anti-Israel Comments from Hamas, Hezbollah

From the Jawa Report: Blogger receives threats after posting story on Islamberg

Religious Apartheid alert: Saudis arrest Christian for entering Mecca

We noted a story about a Pakistani girl murdered for ‘honor’ in Manchester, UK. Today we learn that her ‘husband’ has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

The Weekly Standard: The Bureaucrats’ Revenge. Claudia Rosett: Crying Wolfowitz . . while the United Nations bankrolls dictators.

Rich Lowry: Michael Moore’s Sickness

Spanish blogger Lady Vorzheva is covering the upcoming Spanish local elections and reports of absolutely disgusting attitudes of the current socialist government, which include multiple aggressions to members of the Popular Party.

Daniel Pipes: Support the secularists in Turkey

Daniel Pipes: Un momento cruciale per la Turchia

The Hollywood crowd is a bunch of morons.

A very sad news, as the well-known Pakistani secularist and anti-Islamist essayist Tashbih Sayyed has passed away..

Austin Bay: Ending Darfur’s Genocide. Washington Post: Time’s Up to Act on Darfur

I saw this yacht during a trip I made a few years ago in northern Sardinia, in a port of the Emerald Coast. Saudi and Persian Gulf Sheikhs love to spend days here in Sardinia, many even bringing in a couple of Western girls for their harem, while women in their countries are forced into submission. I fear this yatch is ready to land in the north Sardinia now that summer nears.


May 15, 2007

Newt weighs joining presidential race. I really hope he does.

New apostasy bill to impose death on anyone who leaves Islam. Pakistan’s government sends draft bill tabled by six-party Islamic alliance to standing committee for review. Under the bill’s terms, apostates would be sentenced to death or life in prison. Testimony by two adults is the only independent evidence needed to determine or demonstrate apostasy. Lahore archbishop is praying the bill is never adopted.

Nuova legge sull’apostasia, a morte chi abbandona l’Islam. Il governo pachistano ha inviato alla Commissione permanente un nuovo testo di legge presentato dall’Alleanza dei partiti islamici che punisce con la morte o l’ergastolo chi si converte ed abbandona l’Islam. Per essere condannati, basta la testimonianza di due adulti. Arcivescovo di Lahore prega affinché non venga approvato

Be a tyrant and corrupt if you wanna be given a privileged role at the United – with dictators – Nations: Zimbabwe to head key U.N. body . The U.N. is morally evil.

A must-read that confirms my claim about Sarkozy being a ‘right-wing socialist’ in the economic sphere, rather than a ‘Tachterite’: Sarkozy Is No Free Market Capitalist. David Warren reminds that Sarkozy’s global warming-focused victory speech makes him no that different than the other leaders of the non-Anglo Saxon world. An op-ed at Weekly Standard describes him as a ‘protectionist’

Liberal Arabs Rising. Arab authors criticize support for terrorism in Muslim society

Islamic regime enforces Gender Apartheid and Sharia in Iran: Men and Women to be separated in hospitals

Hope in art for Iran’s Death Row children. The Islamic Republic regijme couldn’t stand the international echo the art of Delara Darabi led to, and they decided to take away all of her art works and belongings.

Iranian human rights activists in Sweden angry at the Swedish gov’t’s decision to welcome Islamic Republic’s ‘foreign minister’ during an official visit.

Pakistan Christians Receive Threatening Letters Urging Conversion

Before making a hero of someone, let us think twice. Moral Equivalenc Alert: Pope compares Marxism (that is, communism) with Capitalism (that is, liberal democracy and free markets, the onlyt system that protects the individual’s political, social and economic freedoms.

Bella riflessione quella di Enzo di 1972, della quale condivido tutto. Che i liberali in Italia non esistano, è un dato di fatto. Premetto che della politica italiana non mi interesso granchè, mentre sono più concentrata su quella americana, dato che gli Usa saranno presto il mio nuovo paese d’accoglienza. Sono di destra, ma ritengo che la vera destra è liberale. Il che significa che se sono contro gli integralisti islamici, non posso appoggiare gli integralisti religiosi anche cattolici che vorrebbero limitare le scelte individuali di ogni essere umano. Si può essere d’accordo o meno con il riconoscimento giuridico delle coppie di fatto e delle convivenze (io sono d’accordo), ma anche chi non è d’accordo e preferisce sposarsi, non può e non ha il diritto di proibire agli altri di convivere. Al giorno d’oggi la Chiesa ha contribuito ad allontanare i credenti per via delle sue posizioni integraliste su aborto, unioni civili, convivenze ,eccetera. Difendo la convinvenza perchè la convinvenza permette all coppia di conoscersi meglio e di sposarsi solo se si è sicuri. Si dice che tanto si può divorziare.Il divorzio la Chiesa lo ha avversato per molto tempo. E’ così facile divorziare, dovendo andare in giro per tribunali ed avvocati? I figli soffrono molo per la separazione dei genitori. Fosse per me, io conviverei tutta la vita, sarà perchè sono atea e non credo nel sacramento del matrimonio. Ma ritengo che chi decide di convivere debba avere GLI STESSI DIRITTI di chi è sposato. E ciò vale anche per le coppie omosessuali. Non sto dicendo che debbano avere più diritti, perchè io sono la prima a non volerlo. Ma gli stessi diritti, questo sì. Non sono a favore del matrimonio tra omosessuali, nè all’adozione dei bambini. Ma sulle unioni civili sono d’accordo. Visto che difendiamo tanto la famiglia e siamo per il matrimonio religioso, cerchiamo anche di dire alla nostra classe dirigente che se oggi non ci si sposa, è anche perchè non si hanno le possibilità economiche di farlo. Da una parte abbiamo gli ipocriti che vanno al Family Day, ma allo stesso tempo sono loro stessi divorziati, e fidanzati con ragazze giovani (vedasi Casini) oppure tradiscono la moglie e si portano un’harem di donne (come Berlusconi). Dall’altra abbiamo chi rivendica orgogli laici dimenticandosi che siamo comunque un paese laico e vede pericoli laddove non ce ne sono, mentre dimentica che al giorno d’oggi le questioni davvero importanti sono la difesa dell’Occidente dall’aggressione islamica che sta avvenendo mentre noi si parla di DICO. Inoltre, prima di essere papisti a tutti i costi, ricordiamoci che il Papa ha accolto a braccia aperte il macellaio islamico Mohammed Khatami, mentre a chi si permette di criticare le sue posizioni integraliste sulle questioni etiche, lo bolla come “terrorista”. Invece, per il Papa terrorista Khatami non lo è, vero? E’ una riflessione serena, non anti-clericale, perchè non sono anti-clericale. Semplicemente sono di una destra libeale che, come diceva Popper, non può non essere a favore dei diritti dell’individuo a fare ciò che vuole a patto che ciò non violi i diritti di terze persone.

Gates of Vienna: On Bureaucracy, Liberty and the Rule of Law

Ha ha ha ha ha… ha ha ha ha

Courageous act of resistance in China, as an unkwown individual damaged the huge portrait of the responsible for the genocide of 2 million Chinese in his ‘cultural’ revolution: Mao Tse Tung, in Bejing.

FPM: Why aren’t Chinese dissenters as well known as Sakharov and Sharansky?

Syria jails activist for D.C. meetings

Opinion Journal: Putin wants to disbar Russia’s most distinguished human-rights lawyer

Condoleeza Rice: U.S. Ties to Russia Complicated Over Putin’s Moves to Consolidate Power

Alvaro Vargas Llosa: Latin America’s Idiot Populist Leaders

Washington Post: Venezuela Continues to Slide

A bit of good news, as a judge dropped charges against Cuban freedom fighter Luis Posada Carriles.

Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello: La cara pública de la moneda. (Serie No.Ocho)

Dying To Flee Cuba. Thursday’s shootout at Havana International Airport by army conscripts seeking to flee Cuba underlines how badly Cuban youth want out. The mutineers will be executed, but it’s the regime that’s dying

Darsi Ferrer: Cómplices del Crimen Internacional del Apartheid

Silvio Bénitez Márquez: Actividad contestaria de activistas del occidente del pais en el lanzamiento del partido liberal nacional cubano

Ladies in White marching in Havana on Mother’s Day

Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello: La cara pública de la moneda. (Serie No.9)

Enviado por Martha Beatriz via email: “José Díaz Silva me pidió que divulgara estas fotos de actividades que se hicieron en el mes de diciembre del 2004 unos días antes de él caer preso y que no había podido divulgar.”


April 19, 2007

Hope for the people of Darfur, as the United State is planning to take action to stop the genocide.End Darfur violence or face sanctions, Bush tells Sudan. “No-fly zone” over Darfur possible if Sudan doesn’t comply. I am really praying that this time they’re not only words. On the contrary, I don’t think a UN force would resolve would make the difference.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. If you needed more evidence, you just have to take a look at the anti-Zionist conspiracy theory promoted by this Palestinian, writing for nothing less but the Jerusalem Post. So much for the claims according to which the Arabs have no rights in Israel. The day when Jews can criticize Arab leaders in Arab newspapers, I’ll be glad to report it here.

Anti-Semitic incidents worldwide doubled in 2006

Lo scrittore algerino Yasmina Kadra ricorda a quest’Europa che dorme e si fa illusioni, che è lei il bersaglio del terrorismo islamico. “La jihad è globale, l’obiettivo è l’Europa”

I am against death penalty and am an advocate for life-term sentences for criminals. However, I agree with this article that states that the campaign by the abolitionists to save terrorists and genocidal mass murderers from a well-deserved death sentence is absurd and disgusting.

Washington Times: U.N. a haven for despots

Jeremiah’s post on the French hostages held by the Taliban.

Three hundred thousand Turks protest attack on Turkey’s secularism by the Islamists.

Norwegian-Somalian Kadra, who became famous in Norway for exposing imam support of female circumcision, was beaten unconscious

The Italian government’s interlocutors beat up dancers in Pakistan

Khartoum’s enablers in Beijing . Chinese Communists and Islamist genocide

The faces of the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre. People don’t stop killers. People with guns do. In Italy, we hear everyday about young Italian students who harass physologically and even physically other students, guilty with faring good with studies or refusing to follow imposed models and life-styles (such as drinking alchol and smoking at just 11 years old). Harassment often includes beatings against handicapped students.

Massive rally in Pakistan against Islamists

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism. What the Left doesn’t want you to know about the most successful economic way of life in the world

An interesting reading about soccer violence and the culture of illegality in Italy (h/t:Jeremiah )

Putin’s police arrest Garry Kasparov and peaceful democrats

New York Sun: Kasparov’s Arrest Spells Trouble

The Putin regime targets Estonia for planning to take down a Soviet statue

André Glucksmann: Se l’Europa guarda da un’altra parte. Quando i carri armati del blocco sovietico soffocarono la Primavera di Praga, nove dissidenti andarono a manifestare sulla Piazza Rossa di Mosca. Solo pochi intellettuali europei si commossero e riuscirono a salvare quegli eroi solitari dai manicomi dove la polizia politica li aveva rinchiusi. E tuttavia ventun anni dopo, le cancellerie e gli stati maggiori dell’Occidente scoprivano stupefatti che Solzenicyn, Sakharov, Bukovski e i nove dell’agosto 1968 avevano sconfitto l’impero comunista.

Ukraine’s Constitutional Crisis.From orange disappointment to democratic opportunity

Tens of thousands of Kyrgiz protestors call on the current president to keep promises.

Repression continues in the wonderful islands of the Maldives, as the regime there has hacked the largest opposition website.

The Cuban Opposition finally puts differences aside for the sake of democracy in their island.Today in Havana the long anticipated UNITY of the opposition has been announced. The official statement.

Unidad por la Libertad. Mensaje al Pueblo de Cuba y a los pueblos del mundo



Llegan a Miami una veintena de inmigrantes cubanos

We reported his essays many times. They were a detailled account of the Cuban reality and the injusticesn perpetrated against the Cuban people by the Castros. He was threatened several times with being arrested; he was fined and even beaten. But now he has been arrested and condemned to 4 years in prison after a summary trial without the right to hire a lawyer. By knowing his valiant attitude, he won’t be intimidated, nor will he cave in to his repressors. He will likely adopt the civil desobedience he always advocated. Oscar Sánchez Madan is a valiant outspoken anti-communist freedom fighter, member of the “Alternative Option” Independent Movement. Cuban journalist sentenced to 4 years in jail

Periodista independiente cubano condenado a 4 años en juicio sumarísimo

Oscar Sánchez Madan

Cuban asylum seekers hold protest march in the Cayman Islands against likely deportation to Cuba.


April 11, 2007


March 30, 2007

The European Union hits bottom and pretends to escape the reality

Report: How two teens were recruited for jihad

UN Human Rights Violators Council does what it can do better: repress any form of free speech on Islam.The UN, a dangerous,meaningless and corrupt entity, now turned into the favorite meeting place for the world’s tyrants for the world’s tyrants and terror-supporting organizations. It happens that at the ‘Human Rights’ Council, who defends human rights against the regimes members of the Council, is expelled, in the very style of every dictatorial regime. Pls, don’t miss this video. Insults against ambassadors and mocking of human rights experts; justification of violence against women and gays; glorification of terrorism; Holocaust denial; demonization of Israel—the video shows how all of that and more was allowed by the Council. New York Sun: The Man the U.N. Won’t Thank

Organizzazione della Nazioni Unite: un’entità da abolite subito. Il Club dei Dittatori, da dove possono giustificare i loro crimini con il beneplacito di questa schifezza chiamata Onu. Leggete qui e qui, per capire e rendervi conto.Questa è l’organizzazione che i signori del governo italiano vorrebbero che guidasse il mondo. Infatti, chiedere l’autorizzazione ai dittatori che siedono lì.

I am happy to learn that Israeli PM Olmert is not always the ‘dove’ that caves into the Palestinians’ demands and blackmails. He seems to understand that the return of Palestinian ‘refugees’ would automatically mean the end of the Jewish state.

Europeans’ coward ignorance of world affairs and moral blindness: Poll: Majority of Germans consider the US as a major threat to world peace than the atomic bomb of the Mullahs. Never mind that it was the Americans who freed them and Europe, from the Nazis and Communists.

The true face of the Saudis: Saudis threaten Israel with war

Samir Khalil Samir: Multiculturalism and Islam: Muslims in Europe, no to ghettos, yes to integration.Multiculturalism fosters fundamentalist violence. Politicians must concern themselves with integrating Muslims. The positive example of Denmark.

Samir Khalil Samir: Multiculturalismo e Islam: musulmani in Europa, no al ghetto, sì all’integrazione. Il multiculturalismo favorisce la violenza fondamentalista. I politici devono preoccuparsi di integrare i musulmani. L’esempio positivo della Danimarca.


I’m rooting for Newt Gingrich, but if take a look at the polls, the only GOP candidate who would beat Dems is – so far – Giuliani. I like him for being tough on crime, open-minded on science and research, but I am unsure of which his foreign policy vision is. I am also a strong free-market and small government advocate. According to this op-ed by Steve Forbes, Giuliani is the most free market-oriented candidate. From what I read on Newt’s site, he seems to have the correct vision on foreign policy. He would be able to win wars, wouldn’t cave in to the diktats of the Euros, Dem and UN bureaucrats, promote democracy as a sine-qua-non condition for peace to be real, wage war (even military) on Al Qaeda’s strongholds, whether in Somalia, Pakistan or Afghanistan, support regime change in Iran, wouldn’t ratify the meaningless Kyoto Treaty, refuse to join the International Criminal Court (a tool in the hands of the anti-Americans), be tough on the UN, wouldn’t call for the establishment of a Palestinian state (at least as long as there are terrorist movements in power) and so on. How likely is his nomination in 2008 if he decided to run right now?

Anderson’s Historic Iran Divestment Bill Gets Huge Boost. If only many others, including the European nations, followed suit, the Mullahs’ regime would be weaker.

A must-read essay from Valentina Colombo: LIBERALS, ARAB AND MUSLIM, PLEASE… WAKE UP!


The Global Warming Industrial Complex.There are a lot of jobs riding on global warming

Censura globale.Siti oscurati, blog cancellati, arresti. Altro che libertà del web. I dati di un fenomeno sempre più esteso nell’ultimo studio realizzato dalla “OpenNet Iniziative” (Oni), che ha condotto un monitoraggio di sei mesi in quaranta paesi

Greece Must Acknowledge Its Complicity in the Shoah.Today, as European nations continue to struggle with the legacy of the Holocaust, the role of the Greek state in facilitating genocide against its own Jews remains unacknowledged and ignored.

New Beverly Hills mayor an Iranian-born Jew. Below, he is seen with General Shaoul Mohfaz. Both are from Shiraz, Iran and are proud of their Persian roots and heritage.

Federation of Cuban Women unmasked in Geneva.Activists who defend human rights in Cuba confront representatives of the dictatorship at the UN Human Rights Council

Declaracion de Gloria y Emilio Estefan

What the Castroites do not want you to know.U.S. is main food source for Cuba .So, where is the embargo?

Members of the “Marta Abreu” Femenine Front continue distributing pro-democracy material and censored literature to the people of Santa Clara, who – as always in two years of such activities – accept them and ask for more. News in Spanish.

Oscar Sánchez Madan: Opositoras intentan romper bloqueo informativo






March 26, 2007

Samir Khalil Samir: Multiculturalism and Islam: Sharia vs European constitutions. Problems in Holland and Denmark. Great Britain as an example: decades of multiculturalism that have lead to ghettos, closure, radicalism of Islamic communities. Women ever penalized. Being European citizens involves having the duty to integrate.

Samir Khalil Samir: Multiculturalismo e Islam: la Sharia contro le costituzioni europee. I problemi in Olanda e Danimarca. L’esempio della Gran Bretagna: decenni di multiculturalismo hanno portato a ghetti, chiusure e radicalismo delle comunità islamiche. Sempre penalizzate le donne. Essere cittadini europei implica avere dei doveri di integrazione.

Bill Roggio: Al Qaeda’s Pakistan Sanctuary- Musharraf appeases the Taliban

Movie on Iranian Women’s Anti-Apartheid Struggle. A new movie features Iranian women disguising as men in order to enter the Tehran’s Azadi Stadium to watch a soccer match between Iran and Bahrain. See herehere and here. (h/t: Gateway Pundit)

I had posted it two posts ago, but the link was broken. Here is the news: Sudanese women to be stoned for adultery

Our good friend Sam of Sandmonkey was at an anti-Mubarak protest in Cairo, where police detained and beaten up some of his friends. Read his post here. And no, the protesters were NOT Islamists. They were secular, liberal reformists. The Islamists sit in the Parliament, while the secular democrats are in prison. The only constitutional amendment I agree with is the following:Article 5: Bans political activity/parties based on religion. If that means banning the Islamo-Fascist Muslim Brotherhood, then I agree strongly with it. As for the other articles, it’s evident that they aim to strenghten the hand of Mubarak and undermine any prospect of democracy. The MB must be outlawed, its members thrown in prison, while the secular reformers must be released and allowed to sit in Parliament.

Angola rushes to help Mugabe slain his democratic opponents. Catholic Archbishop Urges Zimbabweans To Topple Mugabe.

Bono gets it wrong on Africa, again. Instead of pouring money to Africa, given that they have never contributed to enrich the populations (on the contrary, they are poorer), the West should support a Make Dictatorship History initiative.

Kinshasa di nuovo nelle mani di Kabila.Da giovedì 22 marzo la Repubblica democratica del Congo è di nuovo ripiombata nella spirale della violenza. Questa volta il teatro degli scontri  è la capitale Kinshasa, dove si stanno affrontando  le Forze armate leali al presidente Joseph Kabila e l’esercito personale di Jean-Pierra Bemba, leader dell’opposizione  ed ex-vice presidente di transizione, a carico del quale le autorità congolesi  hanno già emesso un mandato di cattura. Secondo le informazioni diramate dalle agenzie internazionali, gli incidenti hanno avuto inizio quando i miliziani fedeli al senatore Bemba si sono rifiutati di consegnare le armi alle autorità nazionali

Lech Walesa: A letter to the people of Cuba 



Ricardo Aguilar García: Denuncia de represión contra líderes del MLC y CAPPF 

Oscar Sánchez Madan: Causa y efecto del deficiente transporte público

Realizan Ayuno en Biblioteca Independiente


March 18, 2007

Three more Taliban thugs will be again free to join the terror war on Afghanistan. The unpopular Italian government caved in to the demands of some Taliban kidnappers holding an Italian journalist for the center-left paper “La Repubblica”. No link to the story in English yet, but I will post it here as soon as I find it.

Il governo italiano fa la corte ai Talebani ed si arrende alle loro richieste. Oggi gli italiani in Afghanistan ed Iraq saranno in maggior pericolo di essere rapiti, perchè i terroristi sanno che per avere concessioni, devono rivolgersi ai loro amici Prodi e D’Alema, i quali sono sempre pronti a leccargli il culo.

The Italian government pays Tunisian Al Qaeda suspect.

New York Post: Khalid Sheik Mohammed deserves being tried by military,not civilian courts. It is a global war against evil, whether we like it or not.

U.N. cries crocodile tears

Opinion Journal: Islamosocialism

From the ‘Iraq-Is-a-Quagmire’ Department: Baghdad deaths fall after security drive

Indian Islamo-fascists offer reward to any Muslim who decapitates Bangladeshi feminist activist Taslima Nasreen

In Darfur commessi crimini di guerra

Cyrus Kar, director of the movie clip “In Search of Cyrus the Great”: The Truth Behind “300”

From Gateway Pundit: Video Shows Beatings & Death of Zimbabwean Opposition Leaders

I have always affirmed that Africa’s evils are to blame on the ignorance of many African societies, but – above all – on the leaders of each African country. Not only dictators, corrupt rulers, but “magicians” turned “presidents”, too. As in the case of Gambia, where the president claims he dreamed a ‘powerful medicine’ capable to treat HIV, creating false hopes among the thousands of AIDS victims of his country.

Ho sempre detto che i mali dell’Africa sono da imputare principalmente all’ignoranza di molte comunità locali, ma sopratutto, ai leader di ogni nazione del Continente. Non solo dittatori e governanti corrotti che si arricchiscono intascandosi i soldi degli aiuti internazionali che dovrebbero andare alle popolazioni. Ma molto è imputabile anche ai cosidetti ‘maghi’ divenuti ‘presidenti’, come nel caso del Gambia, il cui presidente afferma di aver sognato una miracolosa cura contro l’AIDS. Povera Africa..

Former agents for the regime of Fidel Castro reveal what has for years been covered up: Castro directly ordened the death of would-be communist tyrant Salvador Allende, because the regime was aware that Allende was about to surrender.

Ex-agentes del gobierno castrista han revelado que Fidel dio la orden de liquidar a Allende

Eloy A González: Los que se sumaron a los justos. En ocasión del 4to. Aniversario de la Primavera Negra de Cuba

March 16, 2007

Al Qaeda thug Sheikh Mohammed admits he beheaded Daniel Pearl. In addition, he claimed responsibility for the 9/11  and Bali mass murders. But he can count on those who are still calling for shutting down GITMO, even though they don’t tell where they would like these thugs to be taken.

Opinion Journal: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s World War

Carlo Panella: Afghanistan: l’Unione vuole una Conferenza di pace con gli sgozzatori

New York Sun: Al-Jazeera’s Dirty Little Secret

Our ‘friends’ in the Persian Gulf: Persian Gulf Goliath .Dubai-based billionaire enterpreuner Khalaf Al Habtoor says “the U.S. funded he 9/11 attacks”.

SMCCDI: Iranian Teachers beaten and arrested

SMCCDI: Insegnanti iraniani picchiati ed arrestati

U.N. to focus permanently on Darfur, Iran, Cuba,China Israel. The United Nations has shown once again why it’s a totally bankrupt and failed organization, which sides with tyrants and terrorists and forgets the truly-persecuted and oppressed, such as the people of Darfur, who is dying under the daily air strikes of the genocidal Sudanese regime.

Petizione a favore della libertà di pensiero, contri i fascisti islamici. Solidarietà a Stefano Allievi, perseguitato dal fascista islamico Adel Smith.

French Jews flee persecution in France and flock to South Florida. This should be an alarming sign of a dark past we hoped it wouldn’t never occur again.

Pierre Akel: Foreign Policy, Reform and Terror in the Kingdom of Doublspeak

Petition to help free Bangladeshi rationalist and pro-Israel journalist Salah Choudhury

“Man-made Global Warming” becoming a new form of totalitarianism. Scientists threatened with death for ‘climate denial’

Kyoto’s Futile Future.The Green Left can say sayonara to its favorite treaty.

Stretching the Truth

Zimbabwean opposition chief brutally beaten

Lissette y Willy Chirino, un primer disco juntos (Check out “Music, Songs and Videos in my blogroll, to listen to some of the songs in their new album)

February 8, 2007

Actividad del Movimiento Liberal Cubano en Homenaje al Apóstol de la independencia cubana, José Marti

January 22, 2007

Got a very big fish in the Philippines: Testing confirms Abu Sayyaf death

Hizballah threatens attacks against UNIFIL in South Lebanon

Osama Obama ‘was educated in madrassa’

Israel finances its suicide and transfers millions to a ‘moderate’ Holocaust denier.

Magdi Allam: Se i musulmani democratici sono estremisti

Elias Bejjani: The terrorist infiltation in Lebanon can be stopped

An encouraging news: Afghan civilians stop terror attack at U.S. base

Echoes of Oil for Food in hard currency for Pyongyang

Today I am still more convinced that Turkey does not deserve to enter into the European Union.Turkish-Armenian editor shot dead in Istanbul .


Taslima Nasreen, Bangladeshi feminist and anti-Islamist writer: Let’s Burn The Burqa – Women too have sexual urges. So why didn’t Allah start the purdah for men? Clearly, He treated them on unequal terms

Singapore stifles dissent by suing two bloggers

Freedom for Egyptian has posted update on the case of detained secular and anti-Islamist Egyptian blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil.

Abdel Kareem Nabil

Young Cubans Defy Police Brutality