Magdi Cristiano Allam

March 24, 2008

Famous Egyptian-born investigative journalist Magdi Allam has officially left Islam for Christianity. He’s one of the many Muslims secretly leaving the religion of peace. Let’s just hope this trend continues. P.S. : Magdi already received several more death threats for ‘apostasy’. Now it remains to be seen what the Italian government will do to protect him. His enemies are in Italy, as well. I’m not a believer and I don’t like the Church and the Vatican, but I praise Magdi for taking such a very courageous step.

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Taslima Nasreen

November 28, 2007

Judith Apter Klinghoffer: STAND BY TASLIMA NASRIN

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Heroes of Our Time

November 5, 2007

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, Bangladeshi secularist and pro-Israel activist: “Bangladesh is my country. Let the radicals leave”

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Magdi Allam

September 30, 2007

Arab website writes biased piece about our friend Magdi Allam: New ”Salman Rushdie” in Italy?
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Hirsi Ali: “My View on Islam”

August 2, 2007

Ayaan On holy war, apostasy and the rights of women in Islam

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June 18, 2007

Palestinians pick up what they sowed. Welcome to the Islamist state of Hamas . The Palestinians, a death cult, violent and war-mongering society, could just realize how wrong they were when they murdered Jews to force Israel out of Gaza. And they could start asking Israel to return. On the one side, Israel’s Olmert administration caved in and left Gaza, ignoring the consequences for Israel and the region as a whole. Its far from being a victory for Israel; Gaza is going to be an Al-Qaeda state. Israel should have never handed over Gaza to the Palestinians. The int.l community is desperately looking for a solution. Theirs are crocodile tears. After all, it’s them who pressed Israel to leave the place. Now what? Hard to say. It’s a civil war, but the world community would do good not to send in the ‘peacekeepers’. Let the Palestinians slaughter each other. Yes, that’s what they do best. That’s their raison d’etre. Don’t send our men in uniform to risk their life to save who loves death over life and war over peaceful coexistance. Also, as Magdi Allam says, this situation proves that there will never be a Palestinian state. Because it’s the Palestinians themselves who never wanted it. All they want is the destruction of Israel. And let me say something: I fear for Israel. I fear for her, because I feel as if they are committing suicide. An Islamist state at her doors will only speed up her destruction. Unless Israel elects credible leaders with guts, its end is inevitable. I pray for Israel and for it to wake up sooner than later. You can’t make peace or concessions, let alone talk with who wants to destroy you. You have to act. Wake up, Israel, pls. Re-occupy Gaza. Use your military might. Destroy Hamas, Fatah and the Islamic Jihad. Plug your ears in order not to hear the international community that led to this situation. Enter Gaza to stay. But don’t do it for the Palestinians. Do it for your survival. And to the world: don’t send in men to die for a death cult society. Rather, send them where they’re urgently needed: Darfur. Because there is where people cannot wait too long.

Opinion Journal: Arafat’s Children

Crocodile tears: ‘Things were better when Israel ruled Gaza’. Gaza resident speaks out against factional fighting, says situation in Gaza was better when Israel was in charge

Amil Imani: Israel: It’s Payback Time

Magdi Allam: Stato palestinese addio

BBC sorry for recognizing Jerusalem as the historical capital of Israel.

Under the feet of UNIFIL. So much for the credibility of the much-praised ‘world body’: Hezbollah ‘has stockpiled rockets’ on Israeli border

And again: Anti-Syrian occupation Lebanese MP assassinated

Lebanese columnist: Standing Up to Killers – Syria Must Answer for Its Murders in Lebanon

Fermiamo gli orchi. Fermiamo (e puniamo i pedofili). Diciamo NO al “Boy Love Day” . NO ALLA PEDOFILIA! Difendiamo i bambini ed i minori! Firma la petizione.

This just in, even though it comes as no surprise: Palestinian Authority (leaded by the ‘moderate’ Abu Mazen) paying Schalit captors’ families

Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic: What is at risk is not the climate but freedom

Video: Dennis Miller goes nuclear on Harry Reid. Michelle Malkin’s First Annual Open Border Oscars. Mark Steyn: ‘Undocumented Americans’ (h/t: no2liberals).

Next time, be more cautious when you celebrate the victory of a ‘right-winger’ in non-Anglosaxon Europe, as you could be upset. Me, I am not, because I already knew nothing would really change after all. France calls on EU to fund Hamas regime . Sarkozy invites Hizbullah to France

Magdi Allam: Una manifestazione per i cristiani in Oriente perseguitati. Uccisioni, fughe, conversioni forzate: la fine della tolleranza religiosa nei Paesi islamici

This won’t calm down the ‘anti-war’ crowd.

The enemy within.

Amil Imani: Terrorists’ Bill of Rights

The United Nations are a nonsense. Cuba and Belarus set to escape UN rights scrutiny

From Freedom Works: Support a Free and Open Internet!

Reagan’s prophetic Berlin speech, 20 years later. To remember, here is the full transcript of that historic speech.

Ex-U.N. official convicted in fraud

In Saudi Arabia, a view from behind the veil. As a woman in the male-dominated kingdom, [Los Angeles] Times reporter Megan Stack quietly fumed beneath her abaya. Even beyond its borders, her experience taints her perception of the sexes.

Genocide denying and Sudan apologist article by someone who most probably has never been in Darfur. My advise to the writer: this may teach you a thing or two.

British Court Finds Muslim Father Guilty of Murdering Daughter in ‘Honor Killing’

Transcript: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Fox News Sunday.

Freedom of expression deteriorating in Zapatero’s Spain: Journalist from Libertad Digital menaced and insulted for asking about Cuba

Tens of thousands condemn North Korea’s regime, wave US flags in Seoul.

Statue honors victims of communism. I’m proud to remind you all that the statue is a replica of the Goddess of Democracy, whose symbol has been chosen as logo for this blog.

Another war criminal convicted: Croat Serb convicted of atrocities

Yes, but the damage has already been done

An open letter to the G8 from the best-selling author and prominent critic of the Putin regime: Yelena Tregubova: Why I fled Putin’s Russia. And why the West must appease him no longer

Just wondering: Why Is the U.S. Ignoring Taiwan?

Jailed Chinese Reporter Joins Yahoo Suit

Dargozasht bastanshenaas barjeste va yeki az behtarin yaraan Iranzamin

Como en la Cuba de Fidel, en Venezuela faltan alimentos. Y no hay ‘bloqueo’. Es que es un sistema fracasado.


June 7, 2007

My article at Human Events: Sarkozy Cannot Save France . An op-ed in the Opinion Journal reitered a similar concept as mine: The Old World needs an intellectual revolution to meet the challenges ahead. And following in his predecessor’s footsteps, Sarkozy pushes the Eurabian project.

The clownish Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema (a ‘former’ communist party member) paid a visit to his friends in Syria to reassure them that they can go away with their crimes in Lebanon and tells us again that Assad is a man of peace we can trust..Not only, he also affirmed that ‘Hamas and Hezbollah helped keep the Italian troops in south Lebanon safe’. No comment needed.

Antarinejad called for genocide against Jews – again.

California Assembly Passes Historic Iran Divestment Bill

Iranians Opposed to the Regime Applaud California on Iran Divestment Bill

Osama’s House of Horrors. The mainstream media stays mute on a recently discovered Al-Qaeda torture manual

U.S. battles Islamic Jihadists in Somalia

Historian Finds Proof of Arab Armies’ Intent to Destroy Israel

Newt Gingrich: Towards a 21st Century Governing Majority

Fleeing Palestinian terror rockets. Photo Feature: Sderot Refugees in Tel Aviv Tent City .The faces of the children speak volumes about their desire for a normal life.

‘The road to peace passes through Damasco’, said Nancy Pelosi. Jihadists moving into Lebanon from Syria

Magdi Allam: Guerra santa per via legale

Bizarre headline of the day

Mass Grave Containing Thousands of Jews Killed by Nazis Found in Ukraine

David Warren: Lebanon Again

Michael Young: Syria’s useful idiots: Westerners who deny the obvious about Lebanon

A must-read for all those who favor Turkey’s entry in Europe: Turkey’s leaders plan Muslim Europe

From no2liberals’ Nuke’s News and Views blog: Infidelophobia…In The Words Of The Koran!

Polish Girl’s Holocaust Diary Unveiled

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: To submit to the book is to exist in their hell

Nicaraguan thug Daniel Ortega is going to visit his friends the Mullahs in Iran, aboard a jet on loan from his pal Moammar Gaddafi (the man of the many spellings).

Deborah Fait: Cecità morale. Quando riguardano Israele i giudizi sono sempre al vetriolo e affetti da cecità morale, le condanne piovono senza pietà e senza il minimo imbarazzo. Israele arresta una trentina di capi terroristi di hamas e D’alema che fa? Perbacco interviene immediatamente definendo l’arresto «un atto molto preoccupante che non contribuisce a rilanciare le condizioni di dialogo»

Enviado por Martha Beatriz Roque via e-mail: Fotos actividad 20 de mayo en Camagüey en la calle


June 7, 2007

The Free Market Case Against the Immigration Bill. Our large welfare state combined with the importance of education to wealth creation provides a compelling reason to oppose importing unskilled immigrants and citizens

Mama Moonbat Cindy Shehaan wrote an op-ed expressing her hatred of America. I wonder when she is gonna move in, say, Cuba, Venezuela or Eurabia.

A must-read editorial that gives you an idea of how bad life is in Europe: Europeans’ flight from Europe

From YouTube: D-Day: Crisis On Omaha

Nuke’s News and Views: Roy Beck On U.S. Immigration

Irshad Manji: America beats Europe on assimilating Muslims

Islamic group targets women newscasters in Gaza

French magazines on edge as celebrity tipster faces jail in Saddam oil scandal

Robert Spencer: Remembering Tashbih Sayyed. His fearless commitment to the truth set him apart from his contemporaries

Action on Darfur: Bush tightens sanctions on Sudan over Darfur

Ethiopia honors victims of Marxist junta

Abu Khawla, Tunisian secularist and reformist: A Call for President Mubarak to Free Abdul Kareem. Arabic version here.

While world looks the other way: Burma extends Suu Kyi’s detention

Bolivia’s Evo Morales and Ecuador’s Rafael Correa in the footsteps of their buddy Chavez: Morales, Correa target TV foes

Tiananmen massacre still continues today. Eighteen years since the repression of the anti-corruption and pro-democracy movement, Han Dongfang, founder of the first free Chinese trade union, looks at the current situation of human and civil rights in his country and warns that continued repression and terror against the people can only undermine society as a whole

Il massacro di Tiananmen dura ancora oggi. A diciotto anni dalla repressione del movimento anti-corruzione e pro-democrazia, Han Dongfang – fondatore del primo sindacato libero cinese – analizza l’attuale situazione dei diritti umani e civili nel Paese e lancia l’allarme: continuare a reprimere con il terrore il popolo porterà allo sgretolamento dell’intera società

What if it was not Paris Hilton, but any other ordinary citizen? Would he/she be pardoned so easily?

Washington Times: Justice for Sierra Leone?

Jaime Leygonier, enviado por Yusnaimy Jorge Soca, esposa de nuestro amigo Darsi Ferrer, sobre el arresto del mismo en La Habana en el dia de ayer: SEGURIDAD DEL ESTADO SECUESTRÓ AL DR. FERRER

Cuban Youth Movement for Democracy Joins Young Venezuelan Students in Solidarity

Darsi Ferrer: Anciana Muere por Derrumbe

Cuban doctors go into hiding. NAMIBIA has put the brakes on 13 Cuban doctors living in Namibia travelling to the United States, where they have sought asylum

Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello: El candado de la historia

Aini Martín Valero: Movimiento Plantados realiza actividad// Se reagrupa el Movimiento Las Marianas

Vigilia por Pedro Luis Boitel


May 26, 2007

The Olmert administration seems to have realized that the Palestinian Authority is made up with blood-thirsty thugs and as such they are legitimate targets: IDF arrests Hamas education minister

Salim Mansur: Fifty-Nine Years of Hate. Arabs still deny Israel’s right to exist

Investors’ Business Daily: And Now, Al-Qaida In Lebanon

Fight on, Lebanon. “Fatah al-Islam” wages Syria’s war by proxy

Lebanon Fights Al-Qaeda. Our allies need the support of their freedom-loving friends

Business as usual at Amnesty International

Sderot: Still Under Fire. Israelis continue to suffer as a woman loses her life to a Qassam missile

People of Sderot, I am with you. Sderot residents call for action in Gaza. Poll reveals 71 percent of Sderot residents want military action in Gaza Strip, even if it means increased Qassam attacks; 94 percent blame government for poor security situation. A woman was killed by a rocket and Israel did its duty by fighting back and targetting Qassam cells. According to the Italian FM, Israel should simply sit back and stand idly by while the Nazis massacre the Jews. Here’s a short videoclip showing a Qassam rocket falling right next to a Sderot gas station.

The Olmert government does a right thing and a wrong one.

United – with anti-semites – Nations Watch: Jewish NGO denied U.N. status

Fred Thompson on sex trafficking and United Nations.

No, I am not surprised: ‘Soviets engineered Six Day War’

Muslim cabdrivers refusing blind passengers in Australia. But now they may face fines.

No suprise at all here: Jihadis aspire to ‘conquer France’

He he he he… Ha ha ha ha..

Olivier Guitta: Al Qaeda’s new strategy

Rosie O’Donnell without make-up (h/t: no2liberals)

Torture according to GITMO detainees. The Islamic Fascists and Assassins detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are seething and whining over horrific tortures they are going through..: being forced to read a newsletter full of ‘crap,’ being forced to use unscented deodorant and shampoo and having to play sports with a ball that would not bounce. Human Rights First is outraged and is asking for the brutal torturers to end this depravity and grant all of the detainees a ball that bounces, a decent newsletter and the possibility to read emails containing nice messages such as ‘death to the infidels’, ‘jihad is our way’ , instead of disgusting crap such as ‘learn to love life and renounce to your ideology of death, supremacism and violence’. (Pls, note my sarcasm)

From Hitler Mouse to Mother’s Suicide Mission. New horror video incites Palestinians to commit acts of terror

Canadian Coalition for Democracies: Canada must not fund Palestinian terror through UNRWA

Fjordman: The totalitarian character of Multiculturalism

FPM: Iranian “Reform” Charades. The mullahs – Rafsanjani, Khatami,Khamenei and Ahmadinejad – are all Islamic fundamentalists

In un paese serio, con una giustizia che funziona, uno come Sofri avrebbe l’ergastolo senza sconti di pena per il crimine che ha commesso.

At the beginning, Al-Hurra was established as a tool against the spread of Islamist propaganda. But it has been taken over by the Islamists. So, today we have another arabic TV airing anti-semitism. Your taxes at work, again. Arabic-Language Channel Airs Anti-Israel Comments from Hamas, Hezbollah

From the Jawa Report: Blogger receives threats after posting story on Islamberg

Religious Apartheid alert: Saudis arrest Christian for entering Mecca

We noted a story about a Pakistani girl murdered for ‘honor’ in Manchester, UK. Today we learn that her ‘husband’ has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

The Weekly Standard: The Bureaucrats’ Revenge. Claudia Rosett: Crying Wolfowitz . . while the United Nations bankrolls dictators.

Rich Lowry: Michael Moore’s Sickness

Spanish blogger Lady Vorzheva is covering the upcoming Spanish local elections and reports of absolutely disgusting attitudes of the current socialist government, which include multiple aggressions to members of the Popular Party.

Daniel Pipes: Support the secularists in Turkey

Daniel Pipes: Un momento cruciale per la Turchia

The Hollywood crowd is a bunch of morons.

A very sad news, as the well-known Pakistani secularist and anti-Islamist essayist Tashbih Sayyed has passed away..

Austin Bay: Ending Darfur’s Genocide. Washington Post: Time’s Up to Act on Darfur

I saw this yacht during a trip I made a few years ago in northern Sardinia, in a port of the Emerald Coast. Saudi and Persian Gulf Sheikhs love to spend days here in Sardinia, many even bringing in a couple of Western girls for their harem, while women in their countries are forced into submission. I fear this yatch is ready to land in the north Sardinia now that summer nears.


May 15, 2007

The genocidal and blood-thirsty gang of Hamas fired seventeen rockets into the Israeli city of Sderot, injuring several children, among the others. They threatens to fire dozens more. The threat must be seriously. After all, they can thank their European and American donors for giving them the possibility to build such expensive rockets. Our taxes at work. Of course, Israel is morally obligated to defend herself and announces it will respond harshly. Prepare for the international outcry from the usual hypocrits. One Jerusalem has a couple of must-see videos showing the aftermath of the attack and the moment when some rockets were being launched.

The Italian government’s best interlocutor has been sent to meet the 72 virgins Satan. Taliban’s top commander, Mullah Dadullah, has been killed.

A beautiful photo I was waiting to see

Magdi Allam: Moschee, è l’ora dei provvedimenti

From The-World-Has-Gone-Nuts Department: US and Europe united in forgetting that Jerusalem is the historical and eternal capital of Israel. Even more worrisome is the fact that a significant percentage of the Israeli public opinion is willing to commit suicide and canceling centuries of history.

The Nazis’ Mickey Mouse continues to preach hate to Palestinian kids

New York Daily News’ Editorial: There Can Be No Peace With Hate

Hamas Kindergarten

Majority of Europeans not yet recovered from Fascist indoctrination. In America, Jews have always been protected. In Europe, they ended up in the gas chambers.

A bit of sanity from the EU: EU proposes monitoring radical mosques , which are the absolute majority.

This confirms what we have been saying: Saddam Regime Provided Funding To Al-Jazeera TV

Probable ‘honor’ killing in UK

The victim was only 17

Al-Qaeda planning militant Islamic state within Iraq

Good news, as the US is winning the war against Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines.

Mohammad Fadhil, ‘Iraq the Model’ weblog: U.S. should stay and fight

Intervista a Mario Lozano, il soldato italo-americano che gli italiani vogliono mettere al rogo per via delle accuse della stalinista Sgrena.

Excellent news: Michael Moore Faces U.S. Treasury Probe

(h/t: Babalu )

One million Turks marched again in favor of secularism and against Islamism.

Caroline Glick: Hirsi Ali’s Challenge to Humanity

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Can Secular Turkey Survive Democracy?.

John Howard, Australian Prime Minister: Muslims must assimilate

Cina e Russia continuerebbero ad armare le milizie sudanesi. La Cina e la Russia sono state accusate di fornire armi all’esercito sudanese e, di conseguenza, alle milizie janjaweed, in pieno contrasto quindi con quanto sancito nel 2005 dalla risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. La notizia, pubblicata dal quotidiano britannico Timesonline, precisa che l’accusa è contenuta in un report pubblicato l’8 maggio da Amnesty International, dove viene denunciato il comportamento dei governi di Mosca è Pechino che, nonostante l’embargo sulle armi imposto al Sudan, continuerebbero a vendere materiale bellico al governo di Khartoum


May 6, 2007

More evidence for those who still insist in considering Hamas as an entity capable of ‘reforming’: Hamas: “The extermination of the Jews is good for the inhabitants of the worlds.”

Sarkozy the new French president. Label me whatever, but I am not this optimistic that things are going to change. I fear that Sarkozy will be still another ‘right-wing socialist’. Of course, I wish I shall be wrong, but I know the Europeans mentality, given that I live among them. Sure, Sarkozy may behave differently than the other leaders. Time will say that.

Caroline Glick: The fruits of Hizbullah’s victory

EU: Islamists threaten Turkey’s changes of joining the Union. No, the EU did not say this. It said the opposite.

American “savage” capitalism works and works well: Unemployment rate lower than the 1990s . I believe that I won’t regret deciding to move to the Unites States in the next few years.

European leaders’ political immaturity that leads them to mistake terrorists with who fights them.

Europe becoming more and more a totalitarian entity. A Finnish blogger has been summoned by the local police to be interrogated for criticism Islamism.

If you have the stomach, go read these two pieces of absolute non-sense, whitewashing and dhimmitude by a Vatican’s reporter who describes Khatami as a “man of peace and dialogue”. THEY SHOULD ASK THOUSAND OF IRANIAN STUDENTS WHAT THEY THINK OF KHATAMI. THEY SHOULD ASK THOSE WHO WERE THROWN OUT THE WINDOWS OF THE UNIVERSITIES IN 1999, WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT KHATAMI. THEY SHOULD ASK ZAHRA KAZEMI’S SON, OR THE THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS TORTURED DURING HIS “MODERATE” REIGN. Then, someone still wonders why I refrain from becoming a fan of the Pope.

Destra e sinistra in Italia fanno la fila per stringere la mano al macellaio Khatami.

Geert Wilders, Dutch MP: “Close all Islamic schools”

Bad news for the Mullahs, as many US states are taking important steps to weaken them: California, Florida, and maybe Ohio.

Remembering Pim Fortuyn, five years after his assassination: Europe’s Champion of Liberty

One year after Oriana Fallaci’s death, a group of Italian citizens gathered in Florence to remember her and call for a street named after her.


May 6, 2007

Magdi Allam has received the Mass Media Award of the American Jewish Committee in Washington. To see the video, you just have to fill in the short form, by typing your name and email address and then click on “register”, then you’ll be able to see it. He speaks from the minute 15:20. Click here.

Il discorso di Magdi Allam all’American Jewish Committee di Washington, dove ha ricevuto il premio Mass Media. Parte I, Parte II, Parte III.

Another non-terrorist Palestinian brutally executed by Fatah.

Defiant Infidel. Ayaan Hirsi Ali describes her transition from “the world of faith to the world of reason.”

The moment a teenage girl was stoned to death for loving the wrong boy, in northern Iraq.

Iranian workers’ massive protest against Islamic Republic’s policies.

Dissidents Unite!. Natan Sharansky’s Prague conference

Saudi Women Rising. Saudi women columnists protest against oppression of women in their country

Saudi women suffer from the oppression of an Islamic misogynist society. Their husbands beat them on a daily basis, hold them as slaves in their houses. That is why, some young women, when the husbands are away, enter in chats and have virtual sex, or make imaginary streap-teases with their web-cams to show themselves to thousands of unknown men, mostly young and sex-thirsty men who are repressed in a society which considers sex as a sin. From MEMRI: Saudi Women, Oppressed by Husbands, Turn to Stripping in Internet Chat Rooms in Search of “Admiration”

Fred Thompson, another candidate to look to: Sticks & Stones

Egypt’s blog rebels silenced by jail

Committee to Protect Journalists: Special Report 2007 on Press Freedom in the World.

Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the Movement for Democratic Change, main Zimbabwean opposition party: A way out for Mugabe

Desperation in Cuba, where three soldiers defected with their weapons and tried to hijack a plane in order to flee the Gulag. So far, the regime is covering up the incident, probably because of fear that others could be encouraged to do the same. And, unsurprisingly, the Cuban regime is blaming the US. Everybody knows that people in Cuba cannot leave the country without the regime’s permission and the slavery they go through everyday prompts them to escape the Gulag by any mean. If the regime allowed people to leave whenever they want, these things wouldn’t happen. Frustration of the youth in Cuba is very high and it includes people forced to serve in the Cuban army. The three black men now face death penalty.

Below are the three young soldiers who defected, took their weapons and tried to hijack a plan to flee Cuba. They wanted to be free. The opposition movements are unanimously calling on all the other Cuban soldiers to free themselves from slavery and join the people. These three young guys are facing certain death in the hands of castro’s henchmen. They represent the feeling of frustraion of million of other young Cubans.

New form of non-cooperation takes place in Cuba

Enviado por Juan Escandel , a nombre de Domingo Lezcano Arcos: FRENTE DEMOCRÁTICO INDEPENDIENTE “ELENA MEDEROS”

Martha Beatriz Roque and the recently-released Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antunez.(Photo sent by Martha via e-mail)


April 14, 2007

The enemy coming to a Congress near you.

A Canadian Green Party member praises 9/11 and says the view of it was ‘beautiful’.

La rete della Jihad:«Tre uomini-bomba da Milano all’Algeria».Quale Stato ospitava i campi-scuola del terrorismo jihadista? «L’Afghanistan». Dove sono finiti i due fratelli che, tornati dai campi afghani, vi insegnavano a fabbricare esplosivi? «In Algeria. Sono andati a combattere con quelli della montagna». In Italia chi incitava voi integralisti a partire per l’Afghanistan? «Abu Imad, l’imam di viale Jenner»

Magdi Allam: Quell’attacco in televisione dove un nemico del terrore è dipinto come kamikaze

I stand with Mario Lozano, the US soldier of Italian origin who has been betrayed by his ancestors’ country.

Tough line against terror pays: Hizbullah avoiding attacks on US . If only all the democratic nations of this world stopped paying ransons or caving in to terrorists, this report shows terror may well be defeated.

La linea dura contro il terrorismo paga. Lo dimostra un rapporto dell’ FBI, che rivela che gli Hezbollah hanno deciso di non colpire gli Usa, perchè sanno che la risposta americana sarebbe decisiva ed infliggerebbe un duro colpo all’organizzazione nazi-islamica. Questo dimostra ancora una volta che il rischio maggiore di attentati lo incorrono tutti quei paesi che pagano riscatti o cedono in qualche modo al terrorismo. Se le nazioni democratiche insieme la smettessero di coccolare i terroristi, forse a quest’ora staremmo vincendo.

In Spain, they are realizing that coddling terrorists doesn’t make a country safer. Quite the opposite. Alarm in Spain over al-Qaeda call for its “reconquest”

More human remains found at New York’s ground zero

Terrorism in Europe. Bin Laden’s Eurofighters

Italian TV Shows Hostage Execution Footage

Captain’s Quarters on Italy’s ransoms to terrorists and the current govt’s prisoner deal with the Taliban: Some Are More Precious Than Others

Algeria reverts to survival mode after attacks

On Palestinian Authority TV, far from the international community’s ears: Hamas Spokesman: Genocide of Jews remains Hamas goal

Danish Muslim convicted of inciting terrorism

Samir Khalil Samir: Islamism, a disease of the Muslim world

Samir Khalil Samir: L’islamismo malattia del mondo musulmano

Farid Ghadry: Assad’s useful idiot

Qui si sospettava già, ma ora arriva la conferma. Tuttavia, criticarla in Italia è un tabù. EMERGENCY E’ UN’ORGANIZZAZIONE FIANCHEGGIATRICE DEI TALEBANI E DI AL QAEDA

Bureau of Disinformation

More medieval statements from fatwa-issuing imams. ‘No nudity for sex’

Der Spiegel: Muslim Bloggers and Journalists Speak Out

Global Warming..: An extra-cold winter on the Alaska Peninsula


Reparten en Santa Clara documento escrito por opositora

Spanish press and political leaders speak out against the “Moratinos deal”

Song of the day: Mia Por Siempre, by Willy Chirino.

March 20, 2007

A government – and part of the Italian right – of irresponsible people. The Italian government and some parties on the so-called ‘Right’, are calling for the participation of the Taliban assassins and Dark Ages thugs to the international conference on Afghanistan. If you thought the world had already gone enough nuts, you did not yet hear of this latest madness. There must be no compromise nor any sort of dialogue with the enemy, whether the Taliban, Hamas, Fatah, Hizballah, Assad or the Mullahs.

Un governo (e parte di una ‘destra’, quella italiana, che ha ancora bisogno di imparare cos’è fare politica seria) di irresponsabili ed immaturi. l’Unione vuole una Conferenza di pace con gli sgozzatori

“Libero” is maybe the only Italian daily which is politically-uncorrect and chooses the appropriate headlines. The title on today’s front page comments the absurd decision of the government to release five Taliban mass murderers in exchange for the liberation of an Italian hostage (pictured on the left, with a turban). That was the taliban demand to Italy, which caved in like a good dhimmi, thus inflicting a blow to the war on terror and dark ages.

“THE GOVERNMENT HAS SOLD ITSELF – Italy caved in to the Taliban’s blackmail. Five dangerous terrorists are free and [Italy] paid the enemy. This time, the Left likes the dirty work.

The price of not imposing Western democracy in Iraq: Iraq steps up anti-Israel boycott

Bjorn Lomborg: Europe’s dirty little secret on global warming

German climatologist: “We Have to Take Away People’s Fear of Climate Change”

Alvaro Vargas Llosa on Ayaan Hirsi Ali: She is the most fascinating female public figure to come out of the underdeveloped world in a long time

Bush Doctrine, R.I.P.

March 21: it’s the Iranian New Year, Nowrooz. Millions of Iranians defy the regime’s ban in order to celebrate their pre-Islamic traditions. White House: Presidential Message on Nowruz Celebrations. To my Iranian friends and brothers:


Castro’s regime sends its death-squad of women – many of which relatives of members of the Cuban ‘parliament’ – to intimidate the Ladies in White who were marching silently and peacefully. A Lady says she could identify some of the worms being members of the State Security. Here is the video of the incident. As you’ll see at the end of the video, people watched with fear and, when asked their opinion, many run away out of fear of reprisals in case they expressed their opinion (if they agreed with the mob, they would have no problem to say it. The fact is that they don’t, that’s why they didn’t speak to the interviewer). Just one guy had the courage to answer, and said : “I agree with everything [with the Ladies’ demands]; you can’t talk here”.  See the photos of ordinary civilians accepting flowers from the peaceful activists.

La dictadura castrista envía a una turba de energúmenos para amedrentar a las Damas de Blanco . este tipo de actos “están preparados por el Gobierno porque el pueblo en ningún momento salió a la calle a repudiarnos. Es una organización del Gobierno”. “Nos estaban esperando. Es un acto brutal y yo identifiqué a personas de la Seguridad del Estado que hicieron actos de repudio frente a mi casa”

The slogans of the mob were the usual: ‘Mercenaries’, ‘Go away’, ‘Long Live communism, down with imperialism’, ‘down with the counterrevolutionaries’ and obscenities. Often, they are drunk. Here is a photo showing who’s the sister of the woman below.

The Ladies in White are seen on the left, dressed in white, as always.

The Ladies defy the mob by yelling ‘Liberty!” 

The Ladies tell about the aggression. Laura Pollan says they will not be intimidated, they will go on no matter if they are killed. Gisela Delgado says she could identify members of the state security among the mob and lots of people encouraged the Ladies in White by saying “Go ahead!” and nobody has ever said anything bad. Bertha Soler adds that around 50 workers welcomed them. She also affirms she was insulted for the colour of her skin.

February 20, 2007

UPDATE 02/21/07 : Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi resigns.  The Left lost at the Senate over a vote on the Italian Afghanistan mission. Now it’s up to the President of the Republic to accept the resignation (he’ll most probably do so) and decide whether to schedule new elections (I don’t think he’ll do so, as he is from a party of the current gov’t). If elections are scheduled, they might be held in a few months. And, according to all polls, the Right would win easily. I don’t believe the right will change things (governments in Italy are known for breaking promises), but at least Italy would be again part of the Coalition of the Willing in the War on Terror and a faithful ally of the US and Israel, instead of Hezbollah and Hamas. This, even though many Italians have strong prejudices against America and Israel and tend to be sympathetic to the Palestinians. I will keep you up-to-date.

My article in the American Thinker: Unworthy Heirs to Cyrus . See also my post at Publius Pundit here.

Arab regimes of the Persian Gulf (our supposed ‘allies’) trained Al-Qaeda men to fight in Somalia

Buone nuove: Clementina Forleo potrebbe finire sotto processo a Brescia

Apparently, the Italian government sees nothing wrong in talking to  Hezbollah. Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema, whose  government faces a crisis of popular legitimacy according to all polls, told Prodi that “unless there’s unity on the foreign policy, the government has to resign and schedule new elections”. Those who are familiar with Italian politics know that the Left is split on every topic, from economy to the very same foreign policy. Even being right-leaning, I don’t consider myself that follower of the European Right, let alone the Italian one, as I see them as very immature when it comes to reform the economic, pension and job market system. But, I am counting the days when this anti-American government comes to an end. And it’s almost sure that, if elections were held today, they would lose big time.

World public opinion still refuses to face the reality.West-Islam civilisations clash rejected. It’s the Islamic terrorists who declared this clash. Go explain it to the ‘world public opinion’..Meanwhile, the Saudi regime fuels jihadists’ thirst for murder of free thinkers. The latter pledge to defend their right to free speech.

Diana West: Islamists’ female victims

Farid N. Ghadry, Syrian dissident: Syria’s terror networks

Italian court rules in favor of Dark Ages: PAKISTANI MARRIAGE BY PHONE VALID RULES COURT

Egyptians Islamists suggest abolishing love

Secret religious police to spy on unmarried lovers. In Malaysia. And in Saudi Arabia, the police punish those who dared to defy the official ban on Valentine’s Day.

From Sandmonkey, a disturbing story on a father who disowns his own son (the detained blogger Abdel Kareem) because of the latter’s political opinion. Daily Star: Freedom for an Egyptian blogger and freethinker . You can sign the petition here.

Anna Mahjar-Barducci: A step backward in Moroccan freedoms

Serbian war criminal sentenced to 37 years over role in massacre of Bosnians.

Libero: E’ PERICOLOSO FARE IL BLOGGER IN EGITTO. Potete firmare la petizione qui.

38 Cuban doctors defect in Venezuela; plan to move to the United States.(Spanish).

38 médicos cubanos en Venezuela desertan buscando un nuevo destino

Recent defectors now in Colombia

Las Damas de Blanco con paso firme en Internet, pero censuradas

Cuban rock band openly speaks out against Castro. “He’s a SOB. He’s the real cause of our country’s problems”, says the band leader from Havana. (Spanish).

Grupo rock cubano clandestino, desde la isla habla abiertamente contra los Castro. Llegó la hora de llamar las cosas por su nombre

February 12, 2007

Palestinians slowly destroying Judaism’s holiest site, in yet another Islamist aggression on Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.Temple Mount becoming mosque for Muslims only

Magdi Allam: Processo al banchiere italiano dei Fratelli Musulmani. Vive da anni nel nostro Paese, gestendo la Bank Al Taqwa in Svizzera, nonostante sia sulla lista nera di Onu e Ue. Citato anche un suo collaboratore. Egitto, Youssef Nada a giudizio per riciclaggio e finanziamento del terrorismo

Editorial: Appeasement takes hold again in Europe

Human Events: Left Allows Europe to Fall to Muslims

Red Brigades terrorists arrested in Italy over planned kidnapping and murders of politicians, journalists and economists.

Arrestati 15 terroristi rossi. In Italia spesso non si ha il coraggio di dire le cose come stanno. Dire, cioè, che l’ideologia e l’operato delle Br sono condivisi dalla maggioranza dei militanti dei due partiti comunisti ancora legali (e persino al governo), dai teppisti dei centri sociali e dalla CGIL, la quale non è la prima volta che sforna terroristi brigatisti. Solo che, per salvarsi la faccia, finge di prenderne le distanze. Sciocchi sono i nostri politicanti tutti, a non capire che la CGIL è un covo di brigatisti o di loro simpatizzanti, e che perciò è un’organizzazione eversiva.

Our moderate, secular friends the Egyptians have released a terror-enabling imam, legitimately kidnapped by US anti.terror forces in Italy (and treated as a poor victim here..).

C’è chi in Italia ancora dubita della belligeranza di Mussolini. Non voleva la guerra? Allora perchè si alleò con Hitler? Di Mussolini sappiamo già tutto. Sappiamo che era amico dei nazisti, che ha tradito l’Italia vendendola ai tedeschi, e che gli ha aiutati nello sterminio degli ebrei.

From the Israel-is-an-apartheid-state Department: Israeli hospital treats Palestinian terrorists

Genital mutilation and forced marriage occurs even among educated Muslims in some countries, writes Ayaan Hirsi Ali in a shocking account of her early life in Somalia, in her new book

Global-warming skeptics cite being treated like a pariah

Football: England the example Italy should follow in hooliganism fight . Italy is the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil country. There won’t be any significant step to crack down on football violence.

Venezuela falling into a Cuban-style socialist hell: Chavez May Control Food Distribution . Rationing book in 2007…

Tras ser liberado, René Gómez Manzano reitera su compromiso con la lucha por la libertad en Cuba.

Cuban Activists distribute anti-governmental information

An activist distributing anti-regime material.

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Libro Voces Tras las Rejas Promueve Una Lectura Sin Censura en Cuba

Residente de la Habana, leyendo el libro Voces Tras las Rejas en la Biblioteca Independiente Ronald Reagan, en el municipio la Habana Vieja.

Circula Libro Boitel Vive en Bibliotecas Independientes en Cuba

Residente de La Habana, leyendo Boitel Vive en la Biblioteca Independiente Ronald Reagan, en la Habana Vieja.

February 8, 2007

Actividad del Movimiento Liberal Cubano en Homenaje al Apóstol de la independencia cubana, José Marti

January 22, 2007

Got a very big fish in the Philippines: Testing confirms Abu Sayyaf death

Hizballah threatens attacks against UNIFIL in South Lebanon

Osama Obama ‘was educated in madrassa’

Israel finances its suicide and transfers millions to a ‘moderate’ Holocaust denier.

Magdi Allam: Se i musulmani democratici sono estremisti

Elias Bejjani: The terrorist infiltation in Lebanon can be stopped

An encouraging news: Afghan civilians stop terror attack at U.S. base

Echoes of Oil for Food in hard currency for Pyongyang

Today I am still more convinced that Turkey does not deserve to enter into the European Union.Turkish-Armenian editor shot dead in Istanbul .

Taslima Nasreen, Bangladeshi feminist and anti-Islamist writer: Let’s Burn The Burqa – Women too have sexual urges. So why didn’t Allah start the purdah for men? Clearly, He treated them on unequal terms

Singapore stifles dissent by suing two bloggers

Freedom for Egyptian has posted update on the case of detained secular and anti-Islamist Egyptian blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil.

Abdel Kareem Nabil

Young Cubans Defy Police Brutality

December 11, 2006

Opinion Journal: Evidence from Lebanon about how terrorists use civilians

Mark Steyn: ISG must stand for, uh, Inane Strategy Guesswork

Bolton’s Departure . Score one for the appeasement crowd.

The corrupt Kofi Annan loses another occasion to shut up, as he delivers his farewell speech blaming the US for all the evils of this world.


Maverick Iranian students interrupt Ahmadinejad’s speech  by shouting anti-regime slogans

Burning Ahmadinejad's portraits

‘Fascist President, Polytechnich is not your place’


SMCCDI: Islamic regime organizes another masquerade at the occasion of the “International Human Rights Day”

SMCCDI: Il regime islamico organizza l’ennesima mascherata in occasione della Giornata Internazionale per i Diritti Umani

Opinion Journal: Jeane Kirkpatrick’s blunt style and strong defense of liberty will be missed


Editorial: The Agonies of Zimbabwe

Jailed for a Blogpost.In a cramped jail cell in Alexandria, Egypt, sits a soft-spoken 22-year-old student. Kareem Amer was remanded to over a month in prison for allegedly “defaming the President of Egypt” and “highlighting inappropriate aspects that harm the reputation of Egypt.” Where did Amer commit these supposed felonies? On his weblog.

I admit not knowing anything about Fiji, except its geographical location (because I always liked geo), so I don’t know which kind of system is there, but I presume that the military coup which has taken place is not good news for a sort of democracy there.

Former Chilean dictator Pinochet passes away

Several weeks ago, our friend Darsi Ferrer from Havana said he and others were planning a peaceful demonstration near the UN offices in  the Cuban capital to mark the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A few days ago, he sent us a statement where he said he was expecting repression of this march. Such a prediction turned to be true and today, a hired fascist Castroite mob led by and belonging to the State Security and the Communist militias (self-proclaimed ‘rapid response brigades’) today attacked the peaceful dissidents who were marching silently – WITHOUT ANY BANNER NOR SHOUTING ANY SLOGAN – around the UN offices to pay homage to the Declaration. The usual slogans shouted at the dissidents were ‘mercenaries’, ‘worms’, ‘scum0’ and others. Darsi and some other were taken away by force by the mob on board of buses brought in for the occasion. ALL THIS, IN FRONT OF THE FOREIGN JOURNALISTS. The unpopular mob even said they would kill the dissidents if they could. This is the very regime that, while ordering repression of a march in honor of the Declaration, sits at the UN’s Human Rights Commission. Read more here




Below are the photos of some of the dissidents being attacked by the fascist mob.

Las camisas negras asalariados de los Castro

Darsi protecting his wife, both surrounded by the thugs

Darsi and wife attacked

Darsi protecting his wife, both running with some other dissident from the thugs

A dissident, Carlos Rios, (Center) scuffles with government supporters in Havana December 10, 2006. An angry mob of more than 200 Cuban government supporters attacked 12 human rights activists on Sunday, International Human Rights Day, physically manhandling the demonstrators as they drove them from a Havana park. The protest was called by the National Patriotic Front

another dissident (2nd Right) attacked

Darsi ( left, in the middle, with a blue t-shirt) and his wife (with blonde hairs) surrounded by the thugs

Carlos Rios (rear, in yellow jacket) tries to run from the thugs

The Cuban blogosphere reacts. Babalu ,The Real Cuba ,Child of the revolution ,Marc Masferrer ,Abajo Fidel .

Meanwhile, on the same day, a group of Ladies in White bravely marched to the church of Santa Rita in Havana, like every Sunday since 2003.

damas de blanco


December 9, 2006

From The-World-Has-Gone-Nuts Department: Middle East peace conference without Israel . This is the ‘new course’ the European cowards want America to take. And Hamas states what we already knew, showing once again that their leaders in gov’t, including Haniyah himself, must be legitime target for assassination by the Israel Defense Forces. No mercy with terrorists and would-be exterminators.

Jeane Kirkpatrick,R.I.P .

Then & Now

Sudanese Human Rights Activist founds Sudanese-Israeli Friendship Association

Natan Sharansky to get US Presidential Medal of Freedom

Christians Flee Growing Islamic Fundamentalism in the Holy Land

Editorial: Media Shows Irrational Hysteria on Global Warming

Charles Krauthammer: That Murder in London

Bolivia Closer to Civil War

Comienzan represalias contra celebraciones , en La Habana, por el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos

Cuban citizens support the non-cooperation and civil desobedience campaign launched by the political prisoners and spread by the opposition. News in Spanish here.

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Respaldo Popular en Cuba a la Campaña Yo No Coopero con la Dictadura

A citizen of Isla de Pinos is seen reading a leaflets of the campaign

Some are even attaching the signs of the campaign on their houses’ doors. An example below, in a house of Old Havana

November 21, 2006

As the UN-led ‘peacekeepers’ are busy searching Israeli aircrafts to gun down, Syria and Hizballah (with the help of the Islamic regime in Iran) kill another anti-Syrian occupation Lebanese official. Lebanese Cabinet minister, Pierre Gemayel, is killed. We are gonna see another civil war, started by the forces of terror in Lebanon, while the blue helmets, once again, will be staying idle. May I already affirm the failure of the UN ‘mission’ ? Just this early morning, the Opinion Journal published the following op-ed by Michael Young, Don’t let Syria get away with killing Rafik Hariri . Sandmonkey has the first photos of the reactions of the Lebanese to this crime.

Mentre i caschi blu sono impegnati a scovare i caccia israeliani da abbattere, la Siria e gli Hezbollah (con l’aiuto del regime islamico in Iran) hanno ucciso un’altro nemico dell’occupazione siriana, il ministro libanese cristiano Pierre Gemayel. Il popolo libanese, quello che i tg non ci fanno mai vedere, scenderà in piazza e farà sentire la propria voce.Assisteremo ad un’altra guerra civile scatenata ancora una volta dai terroristi, il tutto sotto gli occhi dell’Onu (come accadde in Ruanda). Credo di poter già affermare che la ‘missione’ Onu è fallita da un pò, ma pare che molti non se ne siano accorti.

Israel thinks the right thing. No mercy with terrorists, whether they are in the streets or occupying ‘government’ posts. Israeli Official: Hamas Leadership Should be Assassinated

Speaking of the anti-Israel resolution passed by the U.N. Security Council, ambassador Bolton tells things nobody is willing to. Read the whole thing and enjoy the moment, as the Democrats might be preparing a bad surprise.

Magdi Allam: «L’islam in Italia? Tutto bene» .Un Dvd (idilliaco) per le scuole

Salim Mansur: Geneva Convention rules don’t apply to Gitmo jihadists

I don’t know if you’d care, but I am rooting for Newt Gingrich

Opinion Journal: So who really is responsible for the mess in Italy?

An Italian poll found that, if elections were held today, about 57% vote center-right and only 41% for the left. A majority of Italians also thinks Prodi is performing very bad. Hence, his party’s approval rate is one of the lowest in the recent years. Communists also lost a lot, they don’t even get the 5% of support. However, the Italians say they are looking for new leaders, possibly on the right.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali surprise guest in Denmark

Because of Islamist oppression, Desperate Afghan Women Attempt Suicide By Self-Immolation

The Black Book of the Sandinistas .Remembering Ortega’s Marxist Gulag

FPM: The UN solution to global warming is worse than the problem

As the America and Israel-haters focus – always – on the Palestinians : Sudan gov’t strikes N. Darfur . And the Libyan tyrant Muammar Qadhafi shows he has not changed and is still a supporter of genocide against non-Arab populations (he also committed crimes against Berbers “in the past”). Meanwhile, something that is not going to draw the international outcry: Darfur children dragged from mothers and shot


Frente para la Libertad Total de Cuba: Comunicado de Prensa de Solidaridad Con los Ciudadanos de Madruga, Cuba

Reaccionan Damas de Blanco ante Polémica Declaración de Prensa

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información sobre la celebración de actividades por el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: El pasado 2 de noviembre del 2006, se llevó a cabo un debate sobre las bibliotecas independientes y su primer. Congreso, en la organización “Asociación de Opositores Hijos de la Virgen de Regla”. Participaron en la actividad 10 personas entre ellos una persona del barrio.

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Amenazan e Impiden Libertad de Movimiento a Dama de Blanco en Cuba y también: Agradecen Damas de Blanco Solidaridad del Exilio Cubano

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información recibida de la provincia de Villa Clara, vinculada con “porristas” de las Brigadas de Respuesta Rápida: – Félix Reyes Gutiérrez, director ejecutivo de Cubanacán Press, quiere hacer pública su denuncia sobre los ciudadanos: Raúl López Albelo y Guadalupe González Fraga (alias Lupe), con domicilio en la calle Camilo Cienfuegos No.37 entre Coronel Acebo y Pachito Gómez, en Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, quienes están en trámites para viajar a los Estados Unidos. Según se ha podido conocer a través de diversas fuentes, son los encargados -entre otros militantes comunistas- de haber organizado los actos de repudio -durante los años 2005 y 2006- contra los opositores pacíficos del poblado, Félix Reyes Gutiérrez, Daniel Orlando Gómez Oses, Orestes Suárez Torres, Jesús Verdecia Castillo e Ismary Poso.

November 19, 2006

UNIFIL ‘peacekeepers’ in Lebanon to indirectly wage war on Israel.

A bit of sanity from the heart of the Old Europe. Germany refuses to alter Israel ties

Gateway Pundit has more on the Islamic republic of Iran (IRI) influencing the Iraq Study Group, here and here.

Poll (in Italian) : 69% of Italians in favor of Saddam Hussein death sentence

Almeno sju questo, gli italiani non sono fessi. Il 69% degli italiani si dichiara favorevole ad eseguire la pena di morte contro l’ex dittatore iracheno Saddam Hussein

A clownish and idiotarian prime minister with Hitlerinejad, at the UN, Sept. 2006

The despicable Daily Kos (the last word means something in arabic I can’t write here) hits bottom and I believe Democrats thinking like him are not that few, after all.

Vedova partorisce un figlio, sarà lapidata. La sentenza di un tribunale saudita che ha applicato alla lettera la Sharia islamica. Non essendo sposata il suo è considerato adulterio

Wafa Sultan says ‘religion of peace’ pronouncement undermines her efforts to battle religion’s ‘barbarism’

Amil Imani : Democracy’s Problems with Islam

Milton Friedman Dies at Age 94. R.I.P.

Washington Times: Women’s rights in Pakistan

Maverick Pakistani Women Rally Against Fundamentalist Rape Laws

To Kill a Russian Journalist .Anna Politkovskaya’s murder and Russia’s spiral into its totalitarian past.

CINA/JIANGXI,CONTINUA LA PROTESTA DEGLI STUDENTI – Le autorità hanno inviato gli agenti in tenuta anti-sommossa presso un campus di Ganjiang per fermare una protesta di massa che avrebbe riunito circa 60mila universitari. Linee telefoniche e connessioni Internet tagliate dagli agenti, che hanno bloccato gli studenti dentro gli edifici.

Janjaweed regularly violate women as Darfur conflict spreads into Chad

Poor Chinese farmers again take to the streets against communist exploiters

Prague to subsidise pro-democracy projects in Belarus, Cuba

Atropello policial contra Darsi Ferrer y otros opositores pacificos

November 17, 2006

Sunnis-and-Shiites-will-never-cooperate Alerts:Islamic Republic of Iran ‘Is Training the Next al-Qa’eda Leaders’ . Plus : Islamic Republic of Iran sent 700 Somalis to fight Israel . Hamas: Islamic Republic of Iran gave gov’t $120 million in aid

Speak Out Against the Human Rights Council’s Anti-Israel Bias. Take Action

The Alliance of Incivilization is at it again

Magdi Allam: La lettera apocrifa del «ministro» Dachan

Ransom paid? Fox News reporters freed for $2 million – Claim cash used for arms to ‘hit Zionists’

Does anyone still wonder why the ‘Iraq Study Group’  is promoting appeasement of the Mullahs’ regime in Iran? You may not more wonder after you read this.

An interesting analysis on Giuliani’s bid for the 2008 Presidency.

Turning the Screws on the Dear Leader.Forget multilateral or bilateral; try punitive

Malaysian police abuse a woman

Sharia Alert : Pakistan Creates Taliban-Style ‘Virtue Police’

Una delle più attive ONG in Darfur costretta ad abbandonare il Darfur

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury: My day in court

Egyptians demonstrate against harassment of women by the police. UPDATE: Several demonstrators detained . Sandmonkey has several must-read posts with links to exclusive videos of such a brutality here and here

Canadian Coalition for Democracies: Harper right to defend human rights and democracy against Chinese bullying

Bravo! Peruvian president rails against Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s foreign policy

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información sobre la celebración de actividades por el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: El pasado 2 de noviembre del 2006, se llevó a cabo un debate sobre las bibliotecas independientes y su primer. Congreso, en la organización “Asociación de Opositores Hijos de la Virgen de Regla”. Participaron en la actividad 10 personas entre ellos una persona del barrio.

Cuban doctors who defected during an “internationalist mission” promoted by the Castros’ regime inVenezuela, are being haunted by the infamous Chavista spy service G2 to deport them to Cuba, where they would most likely face persecution for their decision to leave the so-called ‘revolutionary mission’.

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información, sobre el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: El día 27 de octubre del 2006, se llevó a cabo una actividad en la Bl Adolfo Reyes de la Cruz, sita en Agramante No.552 entre Pasaje A y B, Municipio de Regla, Ciudad de La Habana, según informa su director Jesús Adolfo Reyes Sánchez. La actividad the precedida de un mínimo técnico sobre computación, y participaron 10 personas. También en ella se debatió la situación de un niño de 13 años de edad, normado Abrahán Borrego García, que con este corto tiempo de vida ya ha estado preso en varios reclusoríos y es hostígado constantemente por el Comité de Defensa de la Revolución (CDR).

Oscar Sánchez Madán: Neighbors defend activist

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Mantienen en Prisión a 2 Opositores en Cuba Hace Más de 3 Años sin Haber Sido Encausados

De izquierda a derecha, Manuel Ismael Acosta González, quien fuera el primer presidente de la Fundación Isla de Pinos de Derechos Humanos y Fomento Territorial, exiliado político en los Estados Unidos; la líder opositora Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello; el prisionero de conciencia Rolando Jiménez Pozada, y el periodista Carlos Serpa Maceira.

Fundada Nueva Biblioteca Independiente en Villa Clara

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Demandan en Cuba la Libertad sin Destierro para los Presos Políticos

Letrero alegórico a la Campaña Libertad sin Destierro para los Presos Políticos Cubanos, colocado en la puerta de la sede del Proyecto Cívico Cultural Julio Tang Texier, en Isla de Pinos. Dicho letrero fue arrancado de la puerta por la Policía Política de Isla de Pinos

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información, sobre el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: Noelia Pedraza Jiménez, directora de la BI María Cabrales, de la provincia de Villa Clara, relata que, el día 27 de octubre del 2006, la policía política se presentó en casa de su abuela nombrada Carmen Felina Ochoa Mola, con residencia en la calle Colón No.412 entre Serafín Sánchez y Estrada Palma, Santa Clara, con el objetivo de incautarle los libros de su biblioteca, que sumaban aproximadamente 300, y se encontraban en esta casa. También se llevaron otros documentos más.

Diputados españoles se solidarizan con las Damas de Blanco

November 2, 2006

Gateway Pundit has more on Kerry’s attacks on the troops.Welcome violence, you’ll get a monument. No, it’s not me who says that. It’s France

More evidence of how evil can be multiculturalism, in the words of an islamist cleric in Australia: Men ‘provoked’ into sex assaults

Scotland Yard rushes in defense of Islamist murderer and terrorist Mohammed Khatami. There’s nothing suprising here, after all, UK is notorious for willing to preserve its illegitimate deals with the Islamic Republic and so preventing democratic regime change in Iran, which it has reiterated to be opposed to: BRITAIN SELLS ARMS TO IRAN

Islamists hate women. Except when they need them to satisfy their sexual desires and have children.Pakistanis deface women on hoardings

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Muslim Women Are the Key to Change – We can only benefit from turning away from oppression.

P. W. Botha, Defender of Apartheid, Is Dead at 90. We’ll not miss him.

While in Caracas, you may happen to see this horrible show . (h/t: Venezuela Crisis )

Communism encourages slavery. Cuban shipyard workers say they were forced to work as modern slaves at a Curacao ship repair company

Fundación Cubana de Derechos Humanos: SOS

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información sobre el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramírez, director de la biblioteca independiente Adam Smith del municipio Aguada de Pasajeros, en la provincia de Cienfuegos, sita en H. Hernández No.21 entre Martí y Maceo, nos comunicó que fue citado el día 25 de octubre del 2006, a las 7 de la mañana, a la Policía Nacional Revolucionaria (PNR), por un oficial de esa fuerza. Cuando se encontraba allí, dos oficiales de la Seguridad del Estado, que son conocidos como Yunier y Robertico, le anunciaron que estaba detenido

Distribuyen literatura alternativa a la población de Santa Clara

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Aparece Cartel Anticastrista en Centro Educacional en Cuba

Publica Proyecto Procubalibre Respuesta de Misceláneas de Cuba a carta de Cuba Nuestra al Gobierno de Suecia

October 27, 2006


It is about time to bring the criminals to justice. Billionaire mad mullah Rafsanjani and Hizballah ‘leaders’ wanted in 1994 Argentine bombing

From the EU-Statements-Never-Cease-To-Make-Me-Laugh Department: Javier Solana: ‘Hamas doesn’t want to destroy Israel’Islamo-fascist misogyny from an islamist cleric in Australia: “Women to blame for sex attacks” . And the federal Sex Discrimination commissioner reacted immediately: Cleric should be sacked and deported

Magdi Allam: Gli strateghi che guidano la guerra pro-hijab

Manchester imam okays killing of homosexuals

French Foreign Minister changes opinion on Israel’s fence and ackowledges that it’s foiled around 80% of terror attacks. Charles at LGF sees this as a flying pig moment. And I agree with him.

Good news, as there seems to be still room for free speech with respect to Islam in Europe: Mohammed cartoon newspaper acquitted . But if you hoped this was the beginning of Europe’s awakening, well, don’t hold your breathe, because you have to remember that there is a country, Britain, where insanity is paving the way to the establishment of sharia: British Airways: yes to veil, no to cross

C’è ancora posto per la libertà di pensiero in Europa. Il giornale danese che aveva pubblicato le vignette su maometto è stato assolto perchè l’accusa di razzismo non è stata ritenuta fondata. Ma in Inghilterra si continua a grandi passi a marciare verso l’islamizzazione. La British Airways dice si al velo,ma no alla croce.

Brussels Journal: The Rape of Europe

Wafa Sultan, A woman’s work in progress


Palestinian gays flee to Israel

Sudanese genociders celebrate at the United Nations! (h/t: Gateway Pundit )

Expert speaks about non-cooperation of Cuban workers

These are two Cuban independent librarians, wife and husband, one week after being beaten by a communist mob led by the State Security and the political police. And then we still hear naive people, living in the rich and democratic world, calling to lift the “embargo” and do business with the communist mafia in Cuba! The communist regime in Cuba and its very few supporters in the island are the exact copy of the fascist death squads. This kind of beatings occurr almost everyday in Cuba, but that does not prevent the dissidents from continuing with more determination the struggle to liberate Cuba. They are receiving the solidarity of the population. Source, in Spanish: Bitacora Cubana.

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información, sobre el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: El lunes 16 de octubre del 2006, el bibliotecario independiente Eduardo González Vázquez, a las 10 am, celebró una actividad en la BI El Mayor, sita en Cedano No.99 apto. 4 entre Martí y San Lorenzo, en Camagüey, como apertura del Congreso en su biblioteca. Asistieron bibliotecarios de este municipio cabecera y vecinos de su casa. “El despertar de Cuba está cerca, para Cuba ya es la hora. Que Dios le dé gloria y salud a todas aquellas personas que entregaron su vida y su pensamiento a favor de la libertad de Cuba y que Dios le dé también salud a Martha Beatriz, por haber convocado a este Congreso. Que como mismo fue convocada la Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad, Martha que Dios te bendiga, que Dios te bendiga, porque oye, no pueden con nosotros, están cogidos ya. ¡Ya para Cuba es hora!, ¡Ya para Cuba es hora!

Oscar Sánchez Madan: Continuaré desarrollando mi labor como periodista, y nada, ni nadie, lo va a impedir

Orthodox priest released, vows to go ahead with the struggle to liberate Cuba. (Spanish)

Disidentes  Realizan video-conferencia entre La Habana y Miami en homenaje a Rosa Parks en la seccion de la Oficina de Intereses norteamericanos en la capital cubana. James Meredith, que dijo ser un soldado de la lucha por los derechos civiles, fustigó al gobernante cubano Fidel Castro calificándolo como racista muy efectivo, cuyo régimen nada había hecho por los negros en 47 años.

Non-cooperation campaign hits the streets of Miami

October 19, 2006

From The-World-Has-Gone-Nuts Dep.t: Terror-enabling Islamists to make case for violence at Dublin’s Trinity college.

Honest Reporting: A Reuters cameraman takes part in rock-throwing attacks against Israeli security forces

Britain’s Surrender to Radical Islam.Ripping away the veil over the failure of policy-makers.

Magdi Allam: In Italia è meglio difendere il diritto a non indossarlo

From Gateway Pundit: 92 Year Old Turkish Woman Faces Charges for Veil Statements

Una donna turca di 92 anni è sotto processo nel suo paese per aver espresso la sua opinione sullo straccio che opprime le donne mussulmane.

It should be cristal clear to Europe (and the State Dep.t) what the Mullahs would do with the nuclear bomb: Ahmadinejad: “Israel cannot survive” . And it should be abundantly clear to all of them that the Shia Mullahs finance Sunni Hamas: Islamic Republic Paid Hamas Not to Free Abducted Israeli Soldier

Marze Por Gohar, Iranian opposition website: Hezbollah newspaper credits Ahmadinejad with hostage taking

Scott Ritter is a lunatic person whose opposition to democratic regime change in Iran (by the Iranian people, but with the crucial moral and economic support of the U.S.) makes him the enemy of the Iranian people.

Tunisia moves against headscarves. (h/t: Myrtus) . Two Tunisian women express different viewpoints on this. Leyla in the US says she disagrees. Massir in Tunisia says she is against hijab and supports the ban. Massir has posted her thoughts on it and I can manage to understand what she wrote in French : Je suis contre le port du voile

Hundreds Mourn Myanmar Activist Thet Win Aung.Nearly 300 friends and sympathizers attended the funeral of a 34-year-old pro-democracy activist who had been imprisoned by the military junta and died this week in jail, a colleague said Wednesday

FERMIAMO IL GENOCIDIO DEL POPOLO TIBETANO!. Manifestazione di fronte al consolato cinese di Milano.

Judge: Ethiopian forces killed 193 unarmed protesters. ‘Old men killed in their homes, children attacked in gardens’

Independent press bureau ratifies commitment with liberty and democracy for the Cuban people

En Cuba, Madre e hija mueren por epidemia de Dengue

Biblioteca Independiente “Ronald Reagan” realiza actividad para niños

Denuncian Represión Contra Bibliotecario Independiente en Isla de Pinos

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Ratifican en Cuba Apoyo a Proclama del Movimiento Sindical Independiente

Young activists in Cuba participate in video conference call with Miami-based Cuban Democratic Directorate

The first Congress of the Independent Libraries organized by the Assembly to Promote Civil Society is underway across Cuba, and despite the brutal repression the librarians are facing. The Assembly to Promote the Civil Society is civil society coalition of 365 Cuban opposition movements that fight peacefully for democratic and regime change in the island. From Octuber 10, 2006, to February 2007, a meeting of the 152 independent libraries is taking place in numerous Cuban towns and cities. They are informing the population about the goals of the civil desobedience and non-cooperation campaigns named “Yo no coopero, yo si quiero el cambio” (I don’t cooperate with the repressive authorities, I want the change). The official motto is “We are gathering for democracy”. Banned books, reviews, leaflets are being distribuited to the neighbors of the libraries where the meetings are taking place and to the population at large. There will be special events with youths and children, too.

Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello from Havana sent us these first photos showing the librarians and libraries gathered in Congress for Democracy.

Below is the “Elena Mederos” independent library.


Miguel Vazquez Tamayo was shortly detained two times last week, but he has no intention to be intimidated.

Watching one of the many banned videos

My Publius Pundit post on the issue is here.

October 19, 2006

More evidence pointing to the fact that UNIFIL ‘peacekeepers’ are in Lebanon against Israel: French UNIFIL commanders say they’ll shoot at Israeli overflights of Lebanon

Ulteriori prove che dimostranoche i caschi blu dell’Onu sono in Libano contro Israele. I francesi dicono di essere pronti a sparare agli aerei israeliani che sorvolano il Libano.

Italy’s minority govt (all recent polls shows it losing support, even from its own voters) makes it abundantly clear that its presence in Lebanon is for anti-Israel purposes: Italy to help Lebanese Hezbollah army attack Israeli airplanes watching out terrorists’ moves

Debka scrive che l’Italia sarebbe pronta ad aiutare l’esercito libanese (gran parte formato da sostenitori degli Hezbollah) con missili da lanciare contro aerei israeliani che sorvolano il sud del Libano per monitorare i movimenti dei terroristi. Se mai dovesse capitare che qualche missile italiano colpisce un aereo israeliano, spero che Israele risponda al fuoco con maggior forza.

Nothing new here: New J’lem Mufti endorses suicide bombers

Ecco cosa si predica nelle moschee in Italia: «In dieci anni convertiremo l’Italia all’islam»

Taliban kidnappers of pro-Taliban Italian journalist demand return of Afghan convert (from Islam to Christianity) Abdul Rahman to Afghanistan in exchange for the journalist. UPDATE:  Being aware that Abdul Rahman won’t be repatriated in Afghanistan to be murdered, the Taliban opt for what they know Mr. Prodi could agree: immediate withdrawal of Italian troops from the country. ‘If it is not possible to send us the apostate, withdraw your troops’. The story is in Italian, but will post it in English as soon as I find it.

I talebani chiedono la testa di Abdul Rahman, l’afgano convertitosi al cristianesimo, in cambio del giornalista italiano ( e filo-talebano) rapito. Ovviamente, nessuno anche nell’attuale governaccio di sinistra si sogna anche lontanamente di mandare Abdul a morire in Afghanistan.

New Zealand accomplice of the Mullahs in Iran. Immigration Minister: Iranian Christian convert “would be safe in Iran”. Mr. Cunliffle ,of course, forgets that in Iran ‘apostates’ are killed in public. But, in order not to lose its economic contracts with the Islamic regime, New Zealand does not care if a man is murdered because of his beliefs. In the meantime, good news for Gay Iranians, who will be granted special political asylum in the Netherlands.

Muslim women should not hide behind veil.Italian PM Prodi seems to be getting it.

Il signor Prodi dice una cosa sensata, anche se non capisce che non è solo il niqab ( cioè il velo che lascia scoperti solo gli occhi) che andrebbe messo fuorilegge in Italia. E’ il velo in generale, uno straccio che simboleggia l’oppressione e schiavizzazione della donna nell’Islam. Un oltraggio alla dignità dell’essere umano donna.

Fully-veiled women eating spaghetti..

Donne completamente coperte che mangiano spaghetti..

Robert Spencer: Muslim Moderates Under Siege

Pro-Israel Bangladeshi writer Salahhuddin Choudhury beaten by gov’t-led thugs. And here is a website dedicated to the campaign to save this enlightened Muslim reformist writer: Free Choudhury

The Freedom Manifest, a website gathering secular and reformist French Muslims who struggle for Enlightenment in Islam, has launched a petition in favor of the  Robert Redeker, the french philosopher hit by a death fatwa. I admit I don’t understand French very much, but I can manage understand what the petition states: some of them disagree with Redeker’s statements, but – like Voltaire – they firmly support the right to criticize Islam. You can read the Petition and sign it here.

Christian priest killed in Indonesia.The Jawa Report launches the Boycott Indonesia campaign to protest the murder of Christians.

Former Janjaweed militiaman: Sudan training, arming and supporting Janjaweed militia .He further reveals: ‘We burnt their homes and killed all the men, women and children’

New York Post: Korea’s Nightmare: Horrors of Life in the North

Qadhafi, the War Criminal.Why are we making nice with a brutal Arab tyrant?

Ciao, Andrea. Ci mancherai.

Propaganda vs. reality. Walking accross Cuba you would happen to read things like “We are doing fine”. This is what Castro affirmed. Below, just a glimpse of the reality on the ground.

Having no hot water, Cubans invent ways to get a little of it

Movimiento Liberal Cubano (MLC) y  Comisión de Atención a Presos Políticos y Familiares (CAPPF) realizan una serie de vigilias

Movimiento Liberal Cubano Se Reorganiza de Cara al Futuro

October 15, 2006

Islamic Republic of Britain Updates: British Airways employee suspended for wearing a cross . Non-Muslim students at Islamic school forced to wear headscarves .

L’Inghilterra sempre più prossima a divenire una repubblica islamica. Impiegata della compagnia aerea nazionale britannica sospesa dal lavoro per aver indossato una catenina con croce al collo . Non solo. Ma le studentesse non islamiche che frequentano una scuola islamica sono costrette ad indossare il velo.

More Islamist seething: Muslims’ anger as London Olympics clash with Ramadan

Youssef Ibrahim: A Lack of Tolerance That Is Justified

Non-sense of the day. Try to guess which one of the below signs  I am talking about.

Islamist Misogyny Watch, wife beating.. (h/t: Unpolitically Correct)

From One Free Korea: U.N. Resolution on N. Korea – Full Text and Analysis

Armenian genocide monument destroyed in France

In Francia, vandali distruggono un monumento dedicato alle vittime del genocidio degli armeni

David Warren: A Little Hurrah for the Nobel Committee

Opinion Journal: Who is Salah Choudhury?. Darkness in Dhaka

Putin Gets Away with Murder.It’s time to confront the Russian leader

Gateway Pundit has the video of Chinese soldiers shooting Tibetans in cold blood.

Medicina Cubana: In Cuba health workers threatened if outbreak information leaks

October 13, 2006

Report: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed personally beheaded Daniel Pearl

Islamic hackers hit Vatican site–unsuccessfully

U.S, Department of the Interior blocks anti-jihadi blogs! Here’s a list of the banned blog, many of which are very known to many of us here.

Incredibile. Il Dipartimento dell’Interno americano ha bloccato l’accesso ai siti e blog di destra e anti-islamisti..Gli impiegati che vi lavorano avranno problemi ad accedervi..Molti di quei blog sono nostri amici.

Diana West: Tariq Ramadan’s ‘ideas’

New evidence ties top Saudi and United Arab Emirates leaders to al Qaeda

Magdi Allam: Il prezzo di un errore

Wafa Sultan: I want to beat Islamic prison.Syrian-American psychologist, whose interviews censuring fanatic Islam thrust upon the world stage, demands Arab world takes its head out of the sand; Tells Ynet she’s not afraid of threats: ‘This is my life’s mission’

Caroline Glick: History’s Dangerous Repetition

L’Opinione: Il giornalista del Bangladesh Salah Uddin Choudhury, pestato perché filo israeliano da squadristi di governo .Ora rischia la pena di morte con l’accusa di spionaggio e sedizione

Amil Imani, Iranian activist: Stand and Fight, or Cut and Run: You Decide

I filo-terroristi perdono. La Cassazione sconfessa il teorema della Forleo .Terrorismo, «il processo a Daki è da rifare». Sconfessata la distinzione ideologica fra  «terroristi» e «guerriglieri»

A South Korean protester burns North’s flags and pictures of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il during a rally in Seoul, Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006.

From Reporters Sans Frontieres : Somalia: Islamic Courts Try to Impose Draconian Rules On Mogadishu Media

Weekly Standard: The Soft War in Europe’s East .The Caucasus has become the new Balkans–a forgotten region where an old, hostile empire chafes against less powerful peoples.

MIKHEIL SAAKASHVILI : Georgia stands up to an unprovoked onslaught from Russia

Scontro Francia-Turchia su genocidio armeni.L’assemblea francese ha approvato in prima lettura una legge che punisce chi nega la strage del popolo armeno.

Fighting Zimbabwe’s Monster.A leading dissident discusses his fight for freedom against Mugabe’s tyranny.

Marze Por Gohar: In Search of Cyrus the Great

Nun killed as Chinese guards gun down refugees from Tibet

Castro’s Anti-Semitism .The dark roots of the tyrant’s romance with terror.

Escaping Castros’ Gulag. Over 50 Cuban refugees reached Florida’s shores in the last few days.(Spanish)

Our friend doctor Darsi Ferrer of the Center for Health and Human Rights in Havana, sent us an email telling us about the creation of the ‘Patriotic National Front’ whose activities will be based on  Civil Desobedience and Non-Cooperation. Learn more here, in Spanish.

Mensaje del Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramírez

Another peaceful dissident beaten up by Castroite thugs. The latter wanted him to shout ‘long live fidel’, but he shouted more than one time ‘Down with Fidel’, ‘May Fidel Die’, ‘Long Live Human Rights’, all this while he was being beaten. “I am not afraid at all.Neither them nor the regime will silence me”. Listen to him here.

Human Rights First to Honor Cuba’s Ladies in White at Oct 16 Awards Dinner

Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil en Cuba: En el marco del inicio del Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes, el 10 de Octubre de 2006, un grupo de bibliotecarios independientes programaron realizar una actividad en la BI María Cabrales, sita en el Edificio 10, apto. 5, 3er. piso, Reparto José Martí, en Santa Clara, Villa Clara. Para seguir leyendo la noticia, pulsar aqui (PDF)

A dissident couple has been savegely beaten up by Castroite thugs. The beatings were so savage that the dissidents had to wash themselves in a river in order to remove the tracks of blood in their clothes. Read the news, in Spanish, here. The victims are members of the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society, an umbrella organization gathering over 300 Cuban opposition movements that fight peacefully for democratic and  regime change in the island. From yesterday to February 2007, a meeting of the 152  independent libraries is taking place in numerous Cuban towns and cities. They are informing the population about the goals of the civil desobedience and non-cooperation campaigns named “Yo no coopero, yo si quiero el cambio” (I don’t cooperate with the repressive authorities, I want the change). The official motto is “We are gathering for democracy”. Banned books, reviews, leaflets are being distribuited to the neighbors of the libraries where the meetings are taking place and to the population at large. There will be special events with youths and children, too.

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil en Cuba quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información sobre el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: En la provincia de Pinar del Río, el bibliotecario Raydel Ramírez Valdés, de la BI Luis Orlirio Méndez Pérez, fue amenazado por el Jefe de Sector de la policía que iba a ser presentado el día 10 de Octubre en su cuadra como un elemento peligros ante “las masas”, en un acto público presidido por “los factores”. Para seguir leyendo la noticia, pulsar aqui (PDF)

Independent cooperative in Santiago expands

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información: En horas tempranas de la mañana del día 9 de septiembre de 2006, fue detenida -por oficiales de la Seguridad del Estado- Jacqueline Montes de Oca Martija, miembro del Secretariado Administrativo de la Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, la condujeron a la Estación de Policía sita en la Ave. de Acosta en la Víbora. Para seguir leyendo la noticia, pulsar aqui (PDF)

Cuban political prisoner denied medications

Marelis de la Caridad Leyva Antúnez, Coalición Juvenil Martiana: ¿Dónde Está el Amor?

The Cuba of the ordinary Cubans: More than 30 days without running water

Conmemora Partido Popular Joven Cuba el 10 de Octubre

October 11, 2006

Plane crashes into New York building, but it’s not terrorism. According to first reports, the pilot was a Yankees pitcher who died in the accident.

Excellent News: American Al Qaeda member Adam Gadahn indicted for treason

Why Tariq Ramadan lost.Washington was right to deny visa.

TCS Daily Spotlight Interview with Mark Steyn (Audio)

Islamic hackers announce attack on Vatican website

Hacker islamici annunciano imminente attacco al sito internet del Vaticano.

Wafa Sultan: I know they want to kill me . Fanatic Islam stole 32 years of my life, Syrian-American psychologist tells Ynet in an exclusive interview. Sultan gained notoriety for a televised debate broadcast on Al-Jazeera in which she harshly criticized Islam; now she wants to visit Israel, she tells Ynet

Ebru Umar, musulmana in lotta per i valori occidentali.Ad aprile l’Europa ha imparato a conoscere il nome di Ebru Umar. Questa giovane donna, dichiaratamente e fieramente atea, sapeva molto bene quanto fosse alto il rischio di ereditare la rubrica dell’amico Theo van Gogh sul quotidiano Metro.


Un velo sulla libertà.Che le donne islamiche si coprano dalla testa ai piedi per propria libera scelta, che comperino abiti attillati e vezzosi gioielli per mostrarli sono in casa, è una cosa senza senso e che non sta in piedi. Nell’Iran prekomeinista erano libere di sparire sotto al nero, ma non lo facevano. La stessa cosa avveniva in Egitto.

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información: El miércoles 4 de octubre de 2006, Miguel Valdés Tamayo, del Grupo de los 75 en licencia extrapenal, fue detenido (por segunda vez en la misma semana) en la calle G, en el Vedado, y conducido a la unidad de la Policía Nacional Revolucionaria sita en 21 y C. Para seguir leyendo la noticia, pulsar  aqui (PDF)

A Cuban independent journalist sent me this article in Spanish, about the communist indoctrination all the Cuban children (including those of the dissidents) are forced to attend. They are taught to adore communism, hate democracy. They are taught to hate all who are not communists. They are taught to be like the “Che Guevara”, whose most infamous statement said: “The hatred turns us into selective killing machines. And we have to hate”. Fortunately, the dissidents’ children are raised with their parents’ teachings and learn that what they study at school is not what they will have to be once they grow up. The link to the article shows the closing of a regime-organized ceremony dedicated to the “communism’s pioneers” on the occasion of the new academic year.

Aini Martín Valero: La Dictadura , quemando etapas

Enviado a mi correo por Yuney Alvarado Esquivel del Movimiento Liberal Cubano: Declaran Biblioteca Independiente y Conmemoran Aniversario del 10 de Octubre