Journalism Is Not a Capital Crime

February 1, 2008

Khaled Hosseini: The death of Sayed Parwez Kaambakhsh would be a huge setback for Afghanistan

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Islamism is Depravity

October 16, 2007

Yes, it is. Sunam is bride-to-be… aged 3 . How else would you call this?

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June 26, 2007

Like their brothers-in-arms in Iraq, Taliban ‘militants’ recruit children to force them to go blow themselves up. A six year-old boy was able to escape, and told the US and Afghan troops about his gruesome experience.


April 22, 2007

New details emerge on the brutal killing of three Turkish Christians: Slain evangelists were tortured. What we’re facing today is Christianophobia. But you won’t hear this world anywhere, anytime.

Caccia ai cristiani dal Kashmir a Rabat. La testa di un uomo in una scatola davanti a una moschea pachistana

Go read my post about whats behind the liberation of Italian reporter Daniele Mastrogiacomo in Afghanistan. Some details are very disturbing (no graphic photos, however).

The genocidal Islamic supremacist group of the Muslim Brotherhood calls for attacks against West.

The cruelty knows no limits, as the Islamists are abusing children to behead people. There is video showing a 12-year-old boy severing a man’s head. If you can’t handle it, don’t click through, because it contains graphic content even though it’s not complete.

Video che mostra un bambino di 12 anni addestrato dai Talebani, che decapita un’uomo. Questi sono gli interlocutori del governo italiano, che si vuole portare ad un tavolo di pace..Il video non mostra per intero la decapitazione, però v consiglio di non guardarlo se siete sensibili e pensate di sentirvi male nel vederlo. Chi di voi invece vogliono vederlo, si renderà conto della vera natura del nemico e del perchè lo stiamo combattendo.

How Do You Say ‘Israel’ in Arabic? .You’re not going to find the answer in your text book

Daniel Pipes:Ora il vero pericolo è la svolta islamica di Ankara. «È meglio che la Casa Bianca cambi idea. Va bloccato l’ingresso dei turchi in Europa»

Is the veil a racial group? According to Danish authorities, it is. We live in world that is going nuts. Criticising this Islamist tool of Dark Ages oppression of women is becoming a ‘racial’ crime, even though the veil is not a race.

Iran/Velo islamico: un milione fermate, 10mila processate. A Teheran, con l’inizio della primavera la polizia ricomincia a controllare l’abbigliamento delle donne. Se hanno capelli visibili, troppo trucco o non abbastanza vestiti, sono accusate di creare “insicurezza negli spazi pubblici. Le “irregolari” vengono sottoposte ad una procedura che mira ad umiliarle

Someone tell me this won’t really happen.

Now, if you can stomach it, go read the absurd praise Daily Kos dedicates to the Virginia Tech mass murderer.

Women Break Silence on Honor Killings. An Arab mother gives evidence charging her own son for murdering her daughter

An Iranian researcher wrote a must-read report on the activities of the Mullahs’ Lobbyists in the United States.

IRAN: UNIVERSITY FEMALE STUDENTS REBEL AGAINST VEIL . Na Toosari, Na Roosari! (No to Veil, No to Submission).

Islamist policeman trying to intimidate two women into respecting the Islamic ‘moral code’.

A black cow, seen on right, (the name the people uses to describe the female Islamists) trying to intimidate a young woman.

Another black cow, warning a woman against the status of her clothing and hair

See more photos here

Iran’s Babol University Students protesting kidnapping of the Student Leader: Bijan Sabagh. See Video here. (h/t: Kaveh Z) . Some wondered why there are no women. As you know, the Islamic Republic segregates women through a Gender Apartheid Policy. The students fight for secularism and democracy, as well as women’s rights.

In the footsteps of the Taliban, the Islamic Republic of Iran is going on with a dam that is flooding an archeological site dating back to the Persian empire era and considered as world heritage by the UNESCO. One hundred Iranians dared repression by staging a protest against this crime. More Photos here.


Hundreds of Moroccans protest Islamic terrorism

Scientist: Global Warming not caused by humans

A Private War on Poverty: Peer-to-Peer Development. David Rusin on the importance of the website Kiva, and harnessing technology to lend a hand to Africa’s entrepreneurs

Yulia Tymoshenko: Containing Russia

Quelli che mi conoscono sanno che sono di destra e che la sinistra non la sopporto proprio. Ma sanno anche che sono liberale convinta e che per questo non mi rispecchio nella destra italiana ed europea, che non considero liberale. Ebbene, in questo paese nel quale vivo (non per moltissimo ancora), il leader della Casa delle Libertà che si auto-proclama ‘anti-comunista’,  che fa? Mi difende un tiranno comunista quale Putin, nonostante mezzo mondo e tutte le destre del mondo libero (in primis quella americana) lo condannino. E nonostante Putin sia amico dei terroristi arabi, del nucleare iraniano e che voglia aggredire l’Estonia solo perchè quest’ultima vuole abbattere una statua sovietica (quindi comunista). E nonostante una parte dell’opposizione russa sia guidata da un liberale di destra. Ma sappiamo che l’Italia è un paese nel quale a destra si sta con i comunisti russi, fingendo di non sapere che al potere in Russia ci sono proprio loro,  e una sinistra al governo che ha come interlocutori privilegiati Hamas, Hezbollah, Talebani e forse fra un pò anche Al Qaeda. Gli italiani sono proprio messi male, ma le cose non cambieranno a breve, come non sono mai cambiate in 60 anni di Repubblica.


April 19, 2007

Dozens of Algerian illegal aliens are flooding into the south-western coast of Sardinia. The secret services are warning that there exist the risk that terrorist cells can infiltrate the flow of immigrants.

Please ask UNESCO to save Pasargad from the imminent destruction by the Islamic Republic regime

Lotfan az UNESCO bekhahid Pasargad raa nejat dahad


April 19, 2007

Hope for the people of Darfur, as the United State is planning to take action to stop the genocide.End Darfur violence or face sanctions, Bush tells Sudan. “No-fly zone” over Darfur possible if Sudan doesn’t comply. I am really praying that this time they’re not only words. On the contrary, I don’t think a UN force would resolve would make the difference.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. If you needed more evidence, you just have to take a look at the anti-Zionist conspiracy theory promoted by this Palestinian, writing for nothing less but the Jerusalem Post. So much for the claims according to which the Arabs have no rights in Israel. The day when Jews can criticize Arab leaders in Arab newspapers, I’ll be glad to report it here.

Anti-Semitic incidents worldwide doubled in 2006

Lo scrittore algerino Yasmina Kadra ricorda a quest’Europa che dorme e si fa illusioni, che è lei il bersaglio del terrorismo islamico. “La jihad è globale, l’obiettivo è l’Europa”

I am against death penalty and am an advocate for life-term sentences for criminals. However, I agree with this article that states that the campaign by the abolitionists to save terrorists and genocidal mass murderers from a well-deserved death sentence is absurd and disgusting.

Washington Times: U.N. a haven for despots

Jeremiah’s post on the French hostages held by the Taliban.

Three hundred thousand Turks protest attack on Turkey’s secularism by the Islamists.

Norwegian-Somalian Kadra, who became famous in Norway for exposing imam support of female circumcision, was beaten unconscious

The Italian government’s interlocutors beat up dancers in Pakistan

Khartoum’s enablers in Beijing . Chinese Communists and Islamist genocide

The faces of the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre. People don’t stop killers. People with guns do. In Italy, we hear everyday about young Italian students who harass physologically and even physically other students, guilty with faring good with studies or refusing to follow imposed models and life-styles (such as drinking alchol and smoking at just 11 years old). Harassment often includes beatings against handicapped students.

Massive rally in Pakistan against Islamists

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism. What the Left doesn’t want you to know about the most successful economic way of life in the world

An interesting reading about soccer violence and the culture of illegality in Italy (h/t:Jeremiah )

Putin’s police arrest Garry Kasparov and peaceful democrats

New York Sun: Kasparov’s Arrest Spells Trouble

The Putin regime targets Estonia for planning to take down a Soviet statue

André Glucksmann: Se l’Europa guarda da un’altra parte. Quando i carri armati del blocco sovietico soffocarono la Primavera di Praga, nove dissidenti andarono a manifestare sulla Piazza Rossa di Mosca. Solo pochi intellettuali europei si commossero e riuscirono a salvare quegli eroi solitari dai manicomi dove la polizia politica li aveva rinchiusi. E tuttavia ventun anni dopo, le cancellerie e gli stati maggiori dell’Occidente scoprivano stupefatti che Solzenicyn, Sakharov, Bukovski e i nove dell’agosto 1968 avevano sconfitto l’impero comunista.

Ukraine’s Constitutional Crisis.From orange disappointment to democratic opportunity

Tens of thousands of Kyrgiz protestors call on the current president to keep promises.

Repression continues in the wonderful islands of the Maldives, as the regime there has hacked the largest opposition website.

The Cuban Opposition finally puts differences aside for the sake of democracy in their island.Today in Havana the long anticipated UNITY of the opposition has been announced. The official statement.

Unidad por la Libertad. Mensaje al Pueblo de Cuba y a los pueblos del mundo



Llegan a Miami una veintena de inmigrantes cubanos

We reported his essays many times. They were a detailled account of the Cuban reality and the injusticesn perpetrated against the Cuban people by the Castros. He was threatened several times with being arrested; he was fined and even beaten. But now he has been arrested and condemned to 4 years in prison after a summary trial without the right to hire a lawyer. By knowing his valiant attitude, he won’t be intimidated, nor will he cave in to his repressors. He will likely adopt the civil desobedience he always advocated. Oscar Sánchez Madan is a valiant outspoken anti-communist freedom fighter, member of the “Alternative Option” Independent Movement. Cuban journalist sentenced to 4 years in jail

Periodista independiente cubano condenado a 4 años en juicio sumarísimo

Oscar Sánchez Madan

Cuban asylum seekers hold protest march in the Cayman Islands against likely deportation to Cuba.


April 11, 2007


April 8, 2007

January 22, 2007

Got a very big fish in the Philippines: Testing confirms Abu Sayyaf death

Hizballah threatens attacks against UNIFIL in South Lebanon

Osama Obama ‘was educated in madrassa’

Israel finances its suicide and transfers millions to a ‘moderate’ Holocaust denier.

Magdi Allam: Se i musulmani democratici sono estremisti

Elias Bejjani: The terrorist infiltation in Lebanon can be stopped

An encouraging news: Afghan civilians stop terror attack at U.S. base

Echoes of Oil for Food in hard currency for Pyongyang

Today I am still more convinced that Turkey does not deserve to enter into the European Union.Turkish-Armenian editor shot dead in Istanbul .

Taslima Nasreen, Bangladeshi feminist and anti-Islamist writer: Let’s Burn The Burqa – Women too have sexual urges. So why didn’t Allah start the purdah for men? Clearly, He treated them on unequal terms

Singapore stifles dissent by suing two bloggers

Freedom for Egyptian has posted update on the case of detained secular and anti-Islamist Egyptian blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil.

Abdel Kareem Nabil

Young Cubans Defy Police Brutality

November 21, 2006

As the UN-led ‘peacekeepers’ are busy searching Israeli aircrafts to gun down, Syria and Hizballah (with the help of the Islamic regime in Iran) kill another anti-Syrian occupation Lebanese official. Lebanese Cabinet minister, Pierre Gemayel, is killed. We are gonna see another civil war, started by the forces of terror in Lebanon, while the blue helmets, once again, will be staying idle. May I already affirm the failure of the UN ‘mission’ ? Just this early morning, the Opinion Journal published the following op-ed by Michael Young, Don’t let Syria get away with killing Rafik Hariri . Sandmonkey has the first photos of the reactions of the Lebanese to this crime.

Mentre i caschi blu sono impegnati a scovare i caccia israeliani da abbattere, la Siria e gli Hezbollah (con l’aiuto del regime islamico in Iran) hanno ucciso un’altro nemico dell’occupazione siriana, il ministro libanese cristiano Pierre Gemayel. Il popolo libanese, quello che i tg non ci fanno mai vedere, scenderà in piazza e farà sentire la propria voce.Assisteremo ad un’altra guerra civile scatenata ancora una volta dai terroristi, il tutto sotto gli occhi dell’Onu (come accadde in Ruanda). Credo di poter già affermare che la ‘missione’ Onu è fallita da un pò, ma pare che molti non se ne siano accorti.

Israel thinks the right thing. No mercy with terrorists, whether they are in the streets or occupying ‘government’ posts. Israeli Official: Hamas Leadership Should be Assassinated

Speaking of the anti-Israel resolution passed by the U.N. Security Council, ambassador Bolton tells things nobody is willing to. Read the whole thing and enjoy the moment, as the Democrats might be preparing a bad surprise.

Magdi Allam: «L’islam in Italia? Tutto bene» .Un Dvd (idilliaco) per le scuole

Salim Mansur: Geneva Convention rules don’t apply to Gitmo jihadists

I don’t know if you’d care, but I am rooting for Newt Gingrich

Opinion Journal: So who really is responsible for the mess in Italy?

An Italian poll found that, if elections were held today, about 57% vote center-right and only 41% for the left. A majority of Italians also thinks Prodi is performing very bad. Hence, his party’s approval rate is one of the lowest in the recent years. Communists also lost a lot, they don’t even get the 5% of support. However, the Italians say they are looking for new leaders, possibly on the right.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali surprise guest in Denmark

Because of Islamist oppression, Desperate Afghan Women Attempt Suicide By Self-Immolation

The Black Book of the Sandinistas .Remembering Ortega’s Marxist Gulag

FPM: The UN solution to global warming is worse than the problem

As the America and Israel-haters focus – always – on the Palestinians : Sudan gov’t strikes N. Darfur . And the Libyan tyrant Muammar Qadhafi shows he has not changed and is still a supporter of genocide against non-Arab populations (he also committed crimes against Berbers “in the past”). Meanwhile, something that is not going to draw the international outcry: Darfur children dragged from mothers and shot


Frente para la Libertad Total de Cuba: Comunicado de Prensa de Solidaridad Con los Ciudadanos de Madruga, Cuba

Reaccionan Damas de Blanco ante Polémica Declaración de Prensa

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información sobre la celebración de actividades por el I Congreso de Bibliotecas Independientes: El pasado 2 de noviembre del 2006, se llevó a cabo un debate sobre las bibliotecas independientes y su primer. Congreso, en la organización “Asociación de Opositores Hijos de la Virgen de Regla”. Participaron en la actividad 10 personas entre ellos una persona del barrio.

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Amenazan e Impiden Libertad de Movimiento a Dama de Blanco en Cuba y también: Agradecen Damas de Blanco Solidaridad del Exilio Cubano

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil, quiere dar a conocer la siguiente información recibida de la provincia de Villa Clara, vinculada con “porristas” de las Brigadas de Respuesta Rápida: – Félix Reyes Gutiérrez, director ejecutivo de Cubanacán Press, quiere hacer pública su denuncia sobre los ciudadanos: Raúl López Albelo y Guadalupe González Fraga (alias Lupe), con domicilio en la calle Camilo Cienfuegos No.37 entre Coronel Acebo y Pachito Gómez, en Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, quienes están en trámites para viajar a los Estados Unidos. Según se ha podido conocer a través de diversas fuentes, son los encargados -entre otros militantes comunistas- de haber organizado los actos de repudio -durante los años 2005 y 2006- contra los opositores pacíficos del poblado, Félix Reyes Gutiérrez, Daniel Orlando Gómez Oses, Orestes Suárez Torres, Jesús Verdecia Castillo e Ismary Poso.

November 6, 2006

The Butcher of Iraq to end up like Mussolini

Il macellaio iracheno ed altri due complici faranno la fine di Mussolini

Those Palestinian women killed in the mosque siege were worse than human shields, they’re terrorist helpers.

One more reason I won’t regret going to the U.S. : Unemployment rate lowest in nearly 5-1/2 years I dare to suggest the Democrats and their followers to come live in Europe seeing their children looking desperately for a decent job and not being able to find one. I suggest to come here and live like the European parents who see their children unemployed even at 35 years old.

Non mi pentirò di certo di aver scelto gli Usa come mio paese futuro dove vivere e lavorare. Scende ulteriormente la disoccupazione. Creati novantaduemila posti di lavoro, il tasso di disoccupazione scende al 4,4%, il più basso in cinque anni e mezzo.L’America si è ripresa dall’impatto economico devastante dell’11 settembre, mentre l’Europa e l’Italia stanno facendo la fine dell’Argentina.

Pro-secular Turks march against Islamic radicals – Many fear that if left unchecked, Islamic fundamentalism will lead to a theocracy like that in Iran under the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Grandmother to sue Australian mufti over rape comment

La nonna di una donna vittima di violenza sessuale da parte di islamici ha querelato l’imam australiano che ha insultato la dignità delle donne dicendo che le vittime degli stupri  sono colpevoli perchè, non coprendosi con gli stracci islamici, sono ‘carne impura’

Tashbih Sayyed: The Mind Behind the Veil

L’Italia con il club dei dittatori per il seggio al Consiglio Onu

More photos showing  how Islamists deface women on hoardings

Report: They’d rather die: brief lives of the Afghan slave wives

Just one question: Why?

La guerra dimenticata. Assalto dei miliziani islamici. Massacro di bimbi in Darfur – Raid dei Janjaweed contro otto campi profughi: 63 gli uccisi,27 avevano meno di dodici anni

Opinion Journal: Robert Mugabe turns Zimbabwe from a success story to a human-rights catastrophe

Our friend, dr. Darsi Ferrer of the newly-founded National Patriotic Front, informs us (in Spanish) the maverick freedom fighters, among which himself, will bravely march in Havana on December 10, on the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Darsi Ferrer, Frente Patriótico Nacional: Marcha en honor a la Declaración Universal de derechos Humanos

Anti-Castro banner put in pre-university institute

Reacciona (Positivamente) Movimiento Sindical Independiente Por Exclusión de Cuba de Confederación Sindical Internacional

Government official runs down dissidents with his car

‘Logros’ de la revolución energetica: 240 Interrupciones Eléctricas Afectan a Villa Clara

Cuban schoolchildren trained to behave like thugs. Primary-school-age children take part in repudiating mob

August 4, 2006

Navy destroys Hizbullah’s harbor in Beirut Evidence Mounts that Kana “Massacre” Was a Fake

Aumentano le prove che dimostrano che la ‘strage’ di Cana è una messa in scena

Hizballah’s terror rockets kill 12 Israeli civilians

I missili dei nazisti Hezbollah uccidono 12 civili israeliani

Iranian official admits Tehran supplied missiles to Hezbollah. Sorry, but I find that banal. Yes, because it’s well-known that the Nazi Islamic Republic has, since 1979, been directly arming and funding terrorist groups. And, don’t forget, it’s the Islamic Republic regime that has created Hizballah. The IR practices terror abroad and at home and recently has killed jailed maverick freedom fighter Akbar Mohammadi. The Iranian people are: pro-US, pro-Israel and anti-regime. To defeat the threat posed by the IR regime, all the West needs to do is to DIRECTLY fund those genuine opposition groups fighting to peacefully overthrown the regime and replace it with a secular and democratic one. I wonder what is the world waiting for..

La propaganda antisemita di Hamza Piccardo. Cliccate qui

We Will Not Capitulate until the enemy is defeated

Israeli blogger Dave liveblogging a rocket attack from a bomb shelter

Southeast Asian jihadis dispatched for global war on Israel

Ariel Cohen: Hezbollah’s War Crimes

Diana West: See no terrorists

Victor Davis Hanson : The Brink of Madness

Yemen’s ‘Moderate’ Tyrant Ali Saleh: “I Hope All Countries Bordering Israel Will Join the War”

Iraq the Model: This is utter absurdity that challenges reason and diverts the view from the real criminal, the children-murdering butcher Nesrallah

Egyptian blogger Big Pharaoh wonders if there will be an outrage for the barbarian murder of Iraqi children by the Islamist terrorists

The “glorious resistance” slaughters and wounds children in Afghanistan

Dopo aver massacrato i bambini iracheni che giocavano a calcio, la “gloriosa resistenza” massacra e ferisce bambini afgani. Perchè la ‘resistenza’ ha come obbiettivo principale donne e bambini iracheni ed afgani

I believe that it’s not a pure coincidence that this happens when Italy is ruled by a minority leftist government: ITALY: SEA RESORT TO OPEN BEACH FOR MUSLIM WOMEN. This is promotion of segregation and gender apartheid

Una spiaggia ‘velata’ per le musulmane .Trattasi di incoraggiamento alla segregazione ed apartheid sessuale. Il tutto, guarda caso, quando al potere c’è un governo di minoranza targato centro-sinistra.

Mission for Establishment of Human Rights in Iran: Petition: Help Free Prisoners of Conscience in Iran

Cubans in the island: “We also wish to celebrate” . Via The Miami Herald . Many wish to celebrate, but of course they cannot yet. The army reservists have been mobilized and along with the police are everywhere here, here , here and here.This is because the regime is not as sure about the people ‘revolutionary zeal’ as they claim. Otherwise, why does the regime fear a popular uprising and to prevent it increases the number of police in the streets? 

Los cubanos en la isla dicen que quisieran celebrar pero no pueden (claro que no pueden, la dictadura ha sembrado el terror en el pueblo): Jorge, que estaciona automóviles en la Habana Vieja y quiere irse para Estados Unidos, dijo que ha estado despierto hasta tarde en estas dos últimas noches viendo por CNN en Español las multitudes de exiliados celebrando en Miami. ”Nada ha cambiado”, dijo con voz de cansancio, “pero las celebraciones me parecieron buenas”.”Aquí no están celebrando… ¡pero quisieran hacerlo!”, agregaron Fernando y Miguel, dos trabajadores de un restaurante cercano que tampoco quisieron dar sus apellidos . Para leer mas, hagan click aquí . Porqué la dictadura anticubana siente la necesidad de aumentar el numero de policias y hasta colocar el ejercito en las ciudades si estan tan seguros del ‘caracter revolucionario del pueblo’ ? La verdad es que, como demuestran los policias y militares visibles en cada rincon de las calles cubanas, el régimen siente que el pueblo podría lanzarse a las calles y hacer su revolucion democratica, como tratò de hacerlo cuando se lanzò a las calles de La Haban, en 1994 durante el Maleconazo. Porqué el pueblo de Cuba, en su mayoría y sobre todo los jovenes que siempre son el motor de las revoluciones democraticas, detesta el sistema totalitario que desgobierna la mas bella de las Antillas.

Letter from Senator Mel Martínez to The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, The Pentagon, Washington, DC

Los cubanos en la isla conjeturan en voz baja . Muchos piensan que el tirano se murió, pero que la noticia va a ser divulgada solo unos meses después. En general, al pueblo cubano de a pie, enfrascado en su diaria búsqueda del sustento, parece esperar en silencio y no hacer pronósticos en público para evitar consecuencias adversas.”No me interesa y aquí no se puede hablar de eso”, explicó en voz baja la vendedora de un almacén. “Todo lo que yo ganó al mes son $27. Eso es lo único que a mí me preocupa”.Uno de ellos explicó que ”el cangrejo está acabando con…” y en lugar del apellido del gobernante utilizan la consabida mímica de las barbas largas.

Doctor Darsi Ferrer from Havana sent me this beautiful article about the current situation in Cuba. One of his guesses is that Castro could have died. The article has been reprinted by Cuba Democracia y Vida (In Spanish)

Enviado a mi correo por el Doctor Darsi Ferrer, y publicado también por Cuba Democracia y Vida: Conteo Regresivo

July 25, 2006

Excellent news: IDF kills Hezbullah’s Maroun al-Ras regional commander

Belle notizie arrivano dal Libano, dove Israele ha ucciso un comandante regionale degli Hezbollah

Israel diplomats warned over Hizbollah ‘sleepers’

Nasrallah’s banks bombed .Well done, IDF!

Le forze di difesa israeliane hanno bombardato le banche degli Hezbollah, dove sono depositati tutti i conti dei nazisti

Ehud Olmert: Israel Also Has Humanitarian Problems

Il premier israeliano Ehud Olmert ricorda a Condoleeza Rice che anche Israele ha bisogno di aiuti umanitari

Diplomatic row deepens between Israel and Spain

Hizballah’s Nazi youth

Australia stands with Israel: Howard says Israel must defend its right to exist

Majority of Canadians supports Israel

La maggioranza dei canadesi sta con Israele

No more doubt on whose side the leftists stand on. Portraits of the Hitlers (Ahmadinejad and Khomeini) in Toronto and Buenos Aires!

Pontificating Against Israel .Why isn’t the Vatican allowing self-defense against terrorism?

A bit of sanity from the UN Human Rights Chief, even though we won’t hear this kind of sanity again: U.N. exec blames Hezbollah for deaths

The Islamic Republic of Iran supports and funds terror and Hizballah. But the majority of the Iranian population – who is anti-regime – wants to have nothing to do with all this. “We’re up to our ears in our own problems, so we don’t care about this stuff,” said Nina Kamarzarian, 21. “My government, they want to conceal their own problems,” she said. “All the time, they say, `Lebanon, Palestine, Arabs.’ They want to conceal the fact that the majority of the people are dissatisfied.” “Honestly, my concern is that if I walk hand in hand with a girl, I will be harassed and stopped by 20 police.”


Sharia’s war against beauty: Miss Indonesia under fire over ‘insulting’ swimsuit parade

La sharia odia le donne e la loro bellezza. Miss Indonesia rischia di essere condannata per aver indossato un bikini durante una sfilata

Cuban regime feeling heat from Czechs .The Czechs are stepping up their efforts to aid the Cuban dissident movement, triggering an angry response from Havana. They are planning two 30-foot radio antennas looming behind their embassy in the lush Rock Creek Park neighborhood (Washington) that will be used primarily to communicate with Cuba’s dissident movements.

Black Cuban freedom fighter and independent journalist Oscar Sanchez Madan, member of the Amaya family-founded Independent Movement for an Alternative Option, has been urged to go to the police unit of his town next week, to be interrogated about his noble activities. The political police threatened to arrest him unless he obeys to the police’s orders consisting in abandoning his opposition to the regime. He openly expressed to the police that he has no intention to obey those orders : “Next week, when I’ll go to the police unit, my opposition to the regime will remain the same as now”. “If they want to arrest me, let them do it even immediately. What a more honorable place for every freedom-loving human being but a prision in a totalitarian and militaristic regime lik the Castro-communist one” Listen this from his own voice here

Juan Francisco Sigler Amaya of the Independent Movement for an Alternative Option tells, from Matanzas, that it’s great that the U.S. gov’t plans to send financial help to the resistance movements in Cuba. He says he hopes more countries join this initiative and that all the opposition movements inside Cuba should welcome this unconditional aid. Listen to him here

The Cuban Youth Movement for Democracy celebrates its XV Anniversary

International SOS from the Cuban Human Rights Foundation

Lester González Pentón, Prisionero de Conciencia de la Causa de los 75: “Estoy Dispuesto a Morir Antes de Claudicar o Traicionar”

July 19, 2006

This one convinced me even more that Israel must ignore the European Union: Solana says EU won’t blacklist Hezbollah: “1000 rockets fired into Israel? Not enough for us to blacklist them”. Yes, you read well. Chamberlain also thought a couple of murdered Jews were not enough to consider Hitler a potential danger for the world. Except that they regretted only after witnessing that 6 million of Jews were killed into gas chambers.

Non ci crederete quanto sono idioti quelli dell’UE . Leggete se avete stomaco. Javier Solana: “Mille missili su Israele? Non sono sufficienti per noi per indicarla come organizzazione terroristica” 

A great news: 40-50% of Hizbullah’s military capability destroyed . But it needs at least another week to destroy once for all Hezbollah’s capacity to attack Israel

Una buona notizia: I raid israeliani contro postazioni terroristiche in Libano hanno già distrutto quasi il 50% della forza militare Hezbollah. Ma serve ancora una settimana e qualcosa per distruggere totalmente il gruppo nazi-islamico.

Hezbollah rockets hit Palestinian-controlled Nazareth, killing 2 children. Will that be enough for the anti-Israel crowd to wake up and stop supporting the Hezbollah?

Razzi Hezbollah uccidono 2 bambini palestinesi a Nazareth. Sarà sufficiente questo episodio per far sì che la sinistra smetta di appoggiare gli Hezbollah?

A seriously wounded man in Haifa, hit by a rocket

Qui sotto, uno dei tanti feriti gravi colpiti dai razzi hezbollah ad Haifa


FrontPage Magazine: Restraint Means Genocide – Washington should tell Israel to finish the job

PRO-ISRAEL DEMONSTRATIONS IN ROME AND MILAN! CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PHOTOS.To the Israeli Nation: Hasak ve Amar! (Be strong and brave

US Senate expresses support of Israel

Vatican still attached to its anti-semitic roots: Israel Is Fighting for its Life, but the Vatican “Deplores”  Departing secretary of state Sodano is one of the prominent proponents of the anti-Israeli camp. But there are some who have a different view on the new war in Lebanon. An interview with Fr. David Maria Jaeger

Il Vaticano non rinnega le sue tradizioni antisemite. Israele difende la propria vita, ma il Vaticano “deplora” – Il segretario di stato uscente Sodano è esponente di punta della corrente anti-israeliana. Ma c’è chi giudica diversamente da lui la nuova guerra in Libano. Un’intervista di p. David Maria Jaeger

Mohammed Fadhil, Iraq The Model weblog: The regime in Iran is the cause of chaos in Lebanon and Iraq 

No part of Israel is safe, Iranian lawmaker says  – Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi wants these people to ‘help’ resolve the Israel-Hezbollah crisis..To ask the regime in Iran to help resolve the crisis is like to hand over a child to a pedophile asking him to take care of the child.

Il portavoce del parlamento  iraniano: “Nessuna zona di Israele sarà al sicuro” . Questa è la gente che il signor Prodi crede possa aiutare a risolvere la crisi attuale..

Brigitte Gabriel: Thank You, Israel! – Lebanon’s persecuted Christians say thanks for driving terrorists out of the Paris of the Middle East.


Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi: “We [the center-right wing coalition] stand with Israel, without ifs and buts. Israel has been attacked by terrorist and authoritarian regimes and today we must choose: either we stand with democracy or with terror and tiranny. Without any doubt we stand with Israel and its right to defend itself”.While he was not perfect, I miss his gov’t so much. While the current gov’t is allied with the U.N., a poll found that 78% of the Italians are supporting Israel’s defensive actions. Read Berlusconi’s words,although in Italian, here 

Rimpiango il governo Berlusconi, oggi ancora di più: ”Senza dubbi ci schieriamo con Israele” 

France seems to get it: ‘Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself’ 

Pare che la Francia si stia rendendo conto che Israele ha diritto a difendersi

Bad news from Afghanistan: Afghanistan to re-form virtues ministry 

Brutte notizie dall’Afghanistan, dove si starebbe nuovamente pensando ad un minitero per il controllo del vizio e la promozione della virtù

Genocide is taking place in Zimbabwe 


Il mio articolo su Ragion Politica: L’Iran e le opposizioni al Regime degli Ayatollah 

Roberto Miranda Díaz, Relaciones Públicas Movimiento Liberal Cubano: Desafiando el Miedo  Nota Desde Cuba de Enfermo de SIDA

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Solicitan a la Fiscalía la Libertad de Periodista Encarcelado en Cuba 

Members of the Cuban Liberal Movement founded the Christian Liberal Front (Spanish)

Activistas democraticos cubanos fundan el Frente Liberal Cristiano, afiliado al Movimiento Liberal Cubano. Para leer, pulse aquì 


Activistas del MLC llevando a cabo una vigilia en solidaridad con Guillermo Fariñas. Para leer, pulsar aquì


Below, members of the “Todos Unidos” Assembly. Sent to me by Martha Beatriz Roque


June 23, 2006

From Michelle Malkin: Jihad in Miami 

Where's the anti-GITMO crowd when it's needed? Taleban use children as human shields

Tiny minority of extremists in Britain: Poll shows Muslims in Britain are the most anti-western

Un sondaggio rivela che i mussulmani britannici sono i più anti-occidentali d'Europa 

My article in the American Thinker: Iran and the World Cup

Magdi Allam: Se l'Italia spalanca le porte 

I found two videos of a rap song “Hasta Cuando” (For How Long?) , sang by a Cuban rap singer living in Canada.The first one if the original video as created by the singer himself. The second is the one created by Somos . Anyway, I recommend both! To see the first video, click here .To see the video by Somos Cubanos, click here . Also posted at Publius Pundit