Obama’s Message, Boiled Down!

February 25, 2008

Bad news for Dems.

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2007 vs. 2008

January 1, 2008

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Pootie and the Thug-in-Chief

December 30, 2007

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December 16, 2007

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On Burmese Events

October 7, 2007

The Irrawaddy: Generals Extend Blood-Stained Hands to Gambari

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Outed & Sweet Nothings

September 26, 2007

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Dreaded Cartoon of Blasphemy

September 7, 2007

Swedish Muslims (and not only) are back suing and gearing up for another wave of cartoon jihad over this one:

Count with me until public apologies (read: surrender) on the part of the newspaper that printed the cartoon.

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Edwards’ Enviromentalism

September 2, 2007

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On Taiwan and Chinese Censorship

August 14, 2007

Amb. Richard S. Williamson:Freedom’s Example on Taiwan. Taiwan’s rambunctious democracy rebuts Beijing’s assertion that democracy cannot flourish in a Confucian Society

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Hate Crime and Art

August 6, 2007

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Obama’s “Peace” Tour

August 3, 2007

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Putin’s Hunt of Dissidents

July 19, 2007

From the Telegraph: The new Stalins must be kept in check

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Dr. Jihad

July 13, 2007

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July 9, 2007

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Doctor Terrorists

July 6, 2007

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Head In the Sand Update

July 4, 2007

New British Prime Minister Gordon Brown wants everyone to avoid mentioning the “I” word. And no, I is not for “Israel”, of course.

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June 27, 2007

Wall Street Journal: Ortega’s New Friends


June 27, 2007

May God save Israel from the Olmert likes..This comes as two more terror rockets fell on Sderot.


June 22, 2007

As UNIFIL prepares to go bed early, Hizballah fires two more terror rockets into Israel.

Strong with all the money poured into their pockets by the EU and the US, Hamas is establishing an Islamic regime: Hamas says Christian missionaries will be ‘dealt with harshly,’ demands women wear headscarfs


June 7, 2007

The Free Market Case Against the Immigration Bill. Our large welfare state combined with the importance of education to wealth creation provides a compelling reason to oppose importing unskilled immigrants and citizens

Mama Moonbat Cindy Shehaan wrote an op-ed expressing her hatred of America. I wonder when she is gonna move in, say, Cuba, Venezuela or Eurabia.

A must-read editorial that gives you an idea of how bad life is in Europe: Europeans’ flight from Europe

From YouTube: D-Day: Crisis On Omaha

Nuke’s News and Views: Roy Beck On U.S. Immigration

Irshad Manji: America beats Europe on assimilating Muslims

Islamic group targets women newscasters in Gaza

French magazines on edge as celebrity tipster faces jail in Saddam oil scandal

Robert Spencer: Remembering Tashbih Sayyed. His fearless commitment to the truth set him apart from his contemporaries

Action on Darfur: Bush tightens sanctions on Sudan over Darfur

Ethiopia honors victims of Marxist junta

Abu Khawla, Tunisian secularist and reformist: A Call for President Mubarak to Free Abdul Kareem. Arabic version here.

While world looks the other way: Burma extends Suu Kyi’s detention

Bolivia’s Evo Morales and Ecuador’s Rafael Correa in the footsteps of their buddy Chavez: Morales, Correa target TV foes

Tiananmen massacre still continues today. Eighteen years since the repression of the anti-corruption and pro-democracy movement, Han Dongfang, founder of the first free Chinese trade union, looks at the current situation of human and civil rights in his country and warns that continued repression and terror against the people can only undermine society as a whole

Il massacro di Tiananmen dura ancora oggi. A diciotto anni dalla repressione del movimento anti-corruzione e pro-democrazia, Han Dongfang – fondatore del primo sindacato libero cinese – analizza l’attuale situazione dei diritti umani e civili nel Paese e lancia l’allarme: continuare a reprimere con il terrore il popolo porterà allo sgretolamento dell’intera società

What if it was not Paris Hilton, but any other ordinary citizen? Would he/she be pardoned so easily?

Washington Times: Justice for Sierra Leone?

Jaime Leygonier, enviado por Yusnaimy Jorge Soca, esposa de nuestro amigo Darsi Ferrer, sobre el arresto del mismo en La Habana en el dia de ayer: SEGURIDAD DEL ESTADO SECUESTRÓ AL DR. FERRER

Cuban Youth Movement for Democracy Joins Young Venezuelan Students in Solidarity

Darsi Ferrer: Anciana Muere por Derrumbe

Cuban doctors go into hiding. NAMIBIA has put the brakes on 13 Cuban doctors living in Namibia travelling to the United States, where they have sought asylum

Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello: El candado de la historia

Aini Martín Valero: Movimiento Plantados realiza actividad// Se reagrupa el Movimiento Las Marianas

Vigilia por Pedro Luis Boitel


May 26, 2007

The Olmert administration seems to have realized that the Palestinian Authority is made up with blood-thirsty thugs and as such they are legitimate targets: IDF arrests Hamas education minister

Salim Mansur: Fifty-Nine Years of Hate. Arabs still deny Israel’s right to exist

Investors’ Business Daily: And Now, Al-Qaida In Lebanon

Fight on, Lebanon. “Fatah al-Islam” wages Syria’s war by proxy

Lebanon Fights Al-Qaeda. Our allies need the support of their freedom-loving friends

Business as usual at Amnesty International

Sderot: Still Under Fire. Israelis continue to suffer as a woman loses her life to a Qassam missile

People of Sderot, I am with you. Sderot residents call for action in Gaza. Poll reveals 71 percent of Sderot residents want military action in Gaza Strip, even if it means increased Qassam attacks; 94 percent blame government for poor security situation. A woman was killed by a rocket and Israel did its duty by fighting back and targetting Qassam cells. According to the Italian FM, Israel should simply sit back and stand idly by while the Nazis massacre the Jews. Here’s a short videoclip showing a Qassam rocket falling right next to a Sderot gas station.

The Olmert government does a right thing and a wrong one.

United – with anti-semites – Nations Watch: Jewish NGO denied U.N. status

Fred Thompson on sex trafficking and United Nations.

No, I am not surprised: ‘Soviets engineered Six Day War’

Muslim cabdrivers refusing blind passengers in Australia. But now they may face fines.

No suprise at all here: Jihadis aspire to ‘conquer France’

He he he he… Ha ha ha ha..

Olivier Guitta: Al Qaeda’s new strategy

Rosie O’Donnell without make-up (h/t: no2liberals)

Torture according to GITMO detainees. The Islamic Fascists and Assassins detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are seething and whining over horrific tortures they are going through..: being forced to read a newsletter full of ‘crap,’ being forced to use unscented deodorant and shampoo and having to play sports with a ball that would not bounce. Human Rights First is outraged and is asking for the brutal torturers to end this depravity and grant all of the detainees a ball that bounces, a decent newsletter and the possibility to read emails containing nice messages such as ‘death to the infidels’, ‘jihad is our way’ , instead of disgusting crap such as ‘learn to love life and renounce to your ideology of death, supremacism and violence’. (Pls, note my sarcasm)

From Hitler Mouse to Mother’s Suicide Mission. New horror video incites Palestinians to commit acts of terror

Canadian Coalition for Democracies: Canada must not fund Palestinian terror through UNRWA

Fjordman: The totalitarian character of Multiculturalism

FPM: Iranian “Reform” Charades. The mullahs – Rafsanjani, Khatami,Khamenei and Ahmadinejad – are all Islamic fundamentalists

In un paese serio, con una giustizia che funziona, uno come Sofri avrebbe l’ergastolo senza sconti di pena per il crimine che ha commesso.

At the beginning, Al-Hurra was established as a tool against the spread of Islamist propaganda. But it has been taken over by the Islamists. So, today we have another arabic TV airing anti-semitism. Your taxes at work, again. Arabic-Language Channel Airs Anti-Israel Comments from Hamas, Hezbollah

From the Jawa Report: Blogger receives threats after posting story on Islamberg

Religious Apartheid alert: Saudis arrest Christian for entering Mecca

We noted a story about a Pakistani girl murdered for ‘honor’ in Manchester, UK. Today we learn that her ‘husband’ has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

The Weekly Standard: The Bureaucrats’ Revenge. Claudia Rosett: Crying Wolfowitz . . while the United Nations bankrolls dictators.

Rich Lowry: Michael Moore’s Sickness

Spanish blogger Lady Vorzheva is covering the upcoming Spanish local elections and reports of absolutely disgusting attitudes of the current socialist government, which include multiple aggressions to members of the Popular Party.

Daniel Pipes: Support the secularists in Turkey

Daniel Pipes: Un momento cruciale per la Turchia

The Hollywood crowd is a bunch of morons.

A very sad news, as the well-known Pakistani secularist and anti-Islamist essayist Tashbih Sayyed has passed away..

Austin Bay: Ending Darfur’s Genocide. Washington Post: Time’s Up to Act on Darfur

I saw this yacht during a trip I made a few years ago in northern Sardinia, in a port of the Emerald Coast. Saudi and Persian Gulf Sheikhs love to spend days here in Sardinia, many even bringing in a couple of Western girls for their harem, while women in their countries are forced into submission. I fear this yatch is ready to land in the north Sardinia now that summer nears.


May 15, 2007

The genocidal and blood-thirsty gang of Hamas fired seventeen rockets into the Israeli city of Sderot, injuring several children, among the others. They threatens to fire dozens more. The threat must be seriously. After all, they can thank their European and American donors for giving them the possibility to build such expensive rockets. Our taxes at work. Of course, Israel is morally obligated to defend herself and announces it will respond harshly. Prepare for the international outcry from the usual hypocrits. One Jerusalem has a couple of must-see videos showing the aftermath of the attack and the moment when some rockets were being launched.

The Italian government’s best interlocutor has been sent to meet the 72 virgins Satan. Taliban’s top commander, Mullah Dadullah, has been killed.

A beautiful photo I was waiting to see

Magdi Allam: Moschee, è l’ora dei provvedimenti

From The-World-Has-Gone-Nuts Department: US and Europe united in forgetting that Jerusalem is the historical and eternal capital of Israel. Even more worrisome is the fact that a significant percentage of the Israeli public opinion is willing to commit suicide and canceling centuries of history.

The Nazis’ Mickey Mouse continues to preach hate to Palestinian kids

New York Daily News’ Editorial: There Can Be No Peace With Hate

Hamas Kindergarten

Majority of Europeans not yet recovered from Fascist indoctrination. In America, Jews have always been protected. In Europe, they ended up in the gas chambers.

A bit of sanity from the EU: EU proposes monitoring radical mosques , which are the absolute majority.

This confirms what we have been saying: Saddam Regime Provided Funding To Al-Jazeera TV

Probable ‘honor’ killing in UK

The victim was only 17

Al-Qaeda planning militant Islamic state within Iraq

Good news, as the US is winning the war against Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines.

Mohammad Fadhil, ‘Iraq the Model’ weblog: U.S. should stay and fight

Intervista a Mario Lozano, il soldato italo-americano che gli italiani vogliono mettere al rogo per via delle accuse della stalinista Sgrena.

Excellent news: Michael Moore Faces U.S. Treasury Probe

(h/t: Babalu )

One million Turks marched again in favor of secularism and against Islamism.

Caroline Glick: Hirsi Ali’s Challenge to Humanity

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Can Secular Turkey Survive Democracy?.

John Howard, Australian Prime Minister: Muslims must assimilate

Cina e Russia continuerebbero ad armare le milizie sudanesi. La Cina e la Russia sono state accusate di fornire armi all’esercito sudanese e, di conseguenza, alle milizie janjaweed, in pieno contrasto quindi con quanto sancito nel 2005 dalla risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. La notizia, pubblicata dal quotidiano britannico Timesonline, precisa che l’accusa è contenuta in un report pubblicato l’8 maggio da Amnesty International, dove viene denunciato il comportamento dei governi di Mosca è Pechino che, nonostante l’embargo sulle armi imposto al Sudan, continuerebbero a vendere materiale bellico al governo di Khartoum


April 14, 2007

The enemy coming to a Congress near you.

A Canadian Green Party member praises 9/11 and says the view of it was ‘beautiful’.

La rete della Jihad:«Tre uomini-bomba da Milano all’Algeria».Quale Stato ospitava i campi-scuola del terrorismo jihadista? «L’Afghanistan». Dove sono finiti i due fratelli che, tornati dai campi afghani, vi insegnavano a fabbricare esplosivi? «In Algeria. Sono andati a combattere con quelli della montagna». In Italia chi incitava voi integralisti a partire per l’Afghanistan? «Abu Imad, l’imam di viale Jenner»

Magdi Allam: Quell’attacco in televisione dove un nemico del terrore è dipinto come kamikaze

I stand with Mario Lozano, the US soldier of Italian origin who has been betrayed by his ancestors’ country.

Tough line against terror pays: Hizbullah avoiding attacks on US . If only all the democratic nations of this world stopped paying ransons or caving in to terrorists, this report shows terror may well be defeated.

La linea dura contro il terrorismo paga. Lo dimostra un rapporto dell’ FBI, che rivela che gli Hezbollah hanno deciso di non colpire gli Usa, perchè sanno che la risposta americana sarebbe decisiva ed infliggerebbe un duro colpo all’organizzazione nazi-islamica. Questo dimostra ancora una volta che il rischio maggiore di attentati lo incorrono tutti quei paesi che pagano riscatti o cedono in qualche modo al terrorismo. Se le nazioni democratiche insieme la smettessero di coccolare i terroristi, forse a quest’ora staremmo vincendo.

In Spain, they are realizing that coddling terrorists doesn’t make a country safer. Quite the opposite. Alarm in Spain over al-Qaeda call for its “reconquest”

More human remains found at New York’s ground zero

Terrorism in Europe. Bin Laden’s Eurofighters

Italian TV Shows Hostage Execution Footage

Captain’s Quarters on Italy’s ransoms to terrorists and the current govt’s prisoner deal with the Taliban: Some Are More Precious Than Others

Algeria reverts to survival mode after attacks

On Palestinian Authority TV, far from the international community’s ears: Hamas Spokesman: Genocide of Jews remains Hamas goal

Danish Muslim convicted of inciting terrorism

Samir Khalil Samir: Islamism, a disease of the Muslim world

Samir Khalil Samir: L’islamismo malattia del mondo musulmano

Farid Ghadry: Assad’s useful idiot

Qui si sospettava già, ma ora arriva la conferma. Tuttavia, criticarla in Italia è un tabù. EMERGENCY E’ UN’ORGANIZZAZIONE FIANCHEGGIATRICE DEI TALEBANI E DI AL QAEDA

Bureau of Disinformation

More medieval statements from fatwa-issuing imams. ‘No nudity for sex’

Der Spiegel: Muslim Bloggers and Journalists Speak Out

Global Warming..: An extra-cold winter on the Alaska Peninsula


Reparten en Santa Clara documento escrito por opositora

Spanish press and political leaders speak out against the “Moratinos deal”

Song of the day: Mia Por Siempre, by Willy Chirino.


April 8, 2007


April 4, 2007

Palestinian terrorists upset after learning that at least one European leader isn’t willing to buy their propaganda

Terrorists endorse Pelosi’s agenda


My Trip to Gitmo.The real detention center one never hears about in the media

EU supports slow destruction of Israel by Arab leaders’ “diplomatic means”.

Magdi Allam: L’inchiesta di Santoro e i talebani di casa nostra

Weekly Standard: Italy negotiates with terrorists for the release of a journalist

1938 alert. Another anti-semitic attack in a French Jewish cemetery.

Lybian tyrant and Darfur genocide apologist: Gaddafi says only Islam a universal religion

Italian Foreign Minister meets Palestinian terrorists.

‘Moderate’ Khatami in all of his moderation.

Olivier Guitta: Morocco Under Fire

Newt Gingrich: Refusing to teach English keeps immigrants in the underclass

Giuliani holds lead among GOP hopefuls

Islam’s War Against Buddhism.The forgotten jihad

Back in the USSR. Putin seeks constitutional changes to stay in power other more years.

Dissident Catholic Priest Sentenced in Vietnam

Zapatero’s Spain accomplice of the oppression of 11 million Cubans.

Cuban Stars Shine for Non-cooperation Movement. Listen to their message here. In order: Orlando Gutierrez, Willy Chirino, Marisela Verena and Lissette Alvarez (Chirino’s wife). They have lots of fans in Cuba and their message of freedom has always been echoed by many of their countrymen. By inviting their people to not cooperate with the dictatorship in repressing their brothers, these artists can make the difference in this campaign.

Willy Chirino y su esposa Lissette son entre los artistas cubanos en el exilio que que se unieron a la iniciativa de no cooperacion con el régimen. El idolo de milliones de jovenes cubanos, tanto en la isla como en el exilio, lanzara mensajes radiofonicos al pueblo de Cuba para que siga no cooperando con la dictadura.

Willy Chirino, Jon Secada, Marisela Verena y Lissette Alvarez envian un mensaje al pueblo de Cuba. Escuchenlos en su propria voz.

willy chirinowilly chirino


Medicina Cubana: Health Care in Cuba, The two faces of a myth


Respaldan ex disidentes eslovacos al Movimiento Juvenil Contestatario en Cuba

Liannis Meriño Aguilera, Agencia Jóvenes sin Censura: Gracias al dictador



March 30, 2007

The European Union hits bottom and pretends to escape the reality

Report: How two teens were recruited for jihad

UN Human Rights Violators Council does what it can do better: repress any form of free speech on Islam.The UN, a dangerous,meaningless and corrupt entity, now turned into the favorite meeting place for the world’s tyrants for the world’s tyrants and terror-supporting organizations. It happens that at the ‘Human Rights’ Council, who defends human rights against the regimes members of the Council, is expelled, in the very style of every dictatorial regime. Pls, don’t miss this video. Insults against ambassadors and mocking of human rights experts; justification of violence against women and gays; glorification of terrorism; Holocaust denial; demonization of Israel—the video shows how all of that and more was allowed by the Council. New York Sun: The Man the U.N. Won’t Thank

Organizzazione della Nazioni Unite: un’entità da abolite subito. Il Club dei Dittatori, da dove possono giustificare i loro crimini con il beneplacito di questa schifezza chiamata Onu. Leggete qui e qui, per capire e rendervi conto.Questa è l’organizzazione che i signori del governo italiano vorrebbero che guidasse il mondo. Infatti, chiedere l’autorizzazione ai dittatori che siedono lì.

I am happy to learn that Israeli PM Olmert is not always the ‘dove’ that caves into the Palestinians’ demands and blackmails. He seems to understand that the return of Palestinian ‘refugees’ would automatically mean the end of the Jewish state.

Europeans’ coward ignorance of world affairs and moral blindness: Poll: Majority of Germans consider the US as a major threat to world peace than the atomic bomb of the Mullahs. Never mind that it was the Americans who freed them and Europe, from the Nazis and Communists.

The true face of the Saudis: Saudis threaten Israel with war

Samir Khalil Samir: Multiculturalism and Islam: Muslims in Europe, no to ghettos, yes to integration.Multiculturalism fosters fundamentalist violence. Politicians must concern themselves with integrating Muslims. The positive example of Denmark.

Samir Khalil Samir: Multiculturalismo e Islam: musulmani in Europa, no al ghetto, sì all’integrazione. Il multiculturalismo favorisce la violenza fondamentalista. I politici devono preoccuparsi di integrare i musulmani. L’esempio positivo della Danimarca.


I’m rooting for Newt Gingrich, but if take a look at the polls, the only GOP candidate who would beat Dems is – so far – Giuliani. I like him for being tough on crime, open-minded on science and research, but I am unsure of which his foreign policy vision is. I am also a strong free-market and small government advocate. According to this op-ed by Steve Forbes, Giuliani is the most free market-oriented candidate. From what I read on Newt’s site, he seems to have the correct vision on foreign policy. He would be able to win wars, wouldn’t cave in to the diktats of the Euros, Dem and UN bureaucrats, promote democracy as a sine-qua-non condition for peace to be real, wage war (even military) on Al Qaeda’s strongholds, whether in Somalia, Pakistan or Afghanistan, support regime change in Iran, wouldn’t ratify the meaningless Kyoto Treaty, refuse to join the International Criminal Court (a tool in the hands of the anti-Americans), be tough on the UN, wouldn’t call for the establishment of a Palestinian state (at least as long as there are terrorist movements in power) and so on. How likely is his nomination in 2008 if he decided to run right now?

Anderson’s Historic Iran Divestment Bill Gets Huge Boost. If only many others, including the European nations, followed suit, the Mullahs’ regime would be weaker.

A must-read essay from Valentina Colombo: LIBERALS, ARAB AND MUSLIM, PLEASE… WAKE UP!


The Global Warming Industrial Complex.There are a lot of jobs riding on global warming

Censura globale.Siti oscurati, blog cancellati, arresti. Altro che libertà del web. I dati di un fenomeno sempre più esteso nell’ultimo studio realizzato dalla “OpenNet Iniziative” (Oni), che ha condotto un monitoraggio di sei mesi in quaranta paesi

Greece Must Acknowledge Its Complicity in the Shoah.Today, as European nations continue to struggle with the legacy of the Holocaust, the role of the Greek state in facilitating genocide against its own Jews remains unacknowledged and ignored.

New Beverly Hills mayor an Iranian-born Jew. Below, he is seen with General Shaoul Mohfaz. Both are from Shiraz, Iran and are proud of their Persian roots and heritage.

Federation of Cuban Women unmasked in Geneva.Activists who defend human rights in Cuba confront representatives of the dictatorship at the UN Human Rights Council

Declaracion de Gloria y Emilio Estefan

What the Castroites do not want you to know.U.S. is main food source for Cuba .So, where is the embargo?

Members of the “Marta Abreu” Femenine Front continue distributing pro-democracy material and censored literature to the people of Santa Clara, who – as always in two years of such activities – accept them and ask for more. News in Spanish.

Oscar Sánchez Madan: Opositoras intentan romper bloqueo informativo






March 22, 2007

My article at Real Clear Politics: The Human Cost of Iran’s Islamist Rule

For the first time in years, there is a diplomatic crisis between Italy and the United States over five Taliban thugs whose release was demanded by the Italian govt to the Afghan one, in exchange for the release of an Italian leftist reporter. As I wrote previously, the Left caved into the Taliban blackmail (it wants the Dark Ages terrorists to attend the International Conference on Afghanistan!). According to unconfirmed claims by the intelligence service, the Taliban freed might be much more. Also, Foreign Minister D’alema said he had told the US about such a deal, during his meetings in Washington. The State Dept. dismissed those claims as “lies”. Italy is not reliable, his FM even tells lies about his official meetings. Don’t worry, because this gov’t is not going to last long. In the meantime, the US is rightly upset.

Magdi Allam: L’Italia sta diventato la sdoganatrice dei terroristi sulla scena internazionale?

Still hope in Europe: Seven people who raised money for Colombian and Palestinian terrorists through T-shirt sales have been charged under Denmark’s anti-terror law, a prosecutor said Thursday 

Crackdown on freedom of opinion, in the name of multiculturalism: France fires official for opposing Muslim school

A bit of good news from Europe: French Court Rules for Newspaper That Printed Muhammad Cartoons 

Another crime in the name of ‘honor’: Husband rips wife’s eyes out after she refuses sex 

While the world looks the other way: Two Sudanese Women from Darfur Sentenced To Death By Stoning 

Weekly Standard: Khartoum continues to kill 

Boston Review: Iran’s Other Religion – Most Iranians under the age of 25—who make up 50 percent of the overall population—consider themselves agnostic 

Chinese wife goes after Yahoo to free her husband from prison

Mugabe using hit squads 

 Mugabe's Campaign 

The new Publius Pundit is here! 

Surgeon offers answers on metastatic breast cancer. Prognosis Worrisome With Cancer’s Return .I agree with Charles of LGF when he writes that we must wish Edwards’ wife success in her fight against breast cancer. They are our political adversaries, but when it comes to this disease, we should put politics aside for a moment.

Damas de Blanco de Camaguey y Ciego de Ávila reciben apoyo de la población en su recorrido a la Iglesia. “Tengan fe no desmayen…”, Ellos no debían de estar presos…” “Oramos por ustedes..” “Tengan cuidado.. que no les vayan a hacer nada malo…”, dijeron muchas personas del pueblo. “El pueblo nos apoya, el pueblo ya sabe la verdad…los actos de repudio no provienen del pueblo, el pueblo sabe que sólo pedimos que se haga justicia”

Another video of the fascistic aggression against the peaceful Ladies in White carried out by the usual Castroite mobs led and organized by the political police. After such a brutal act of harassment, the Ladies received the solidarity of the ordinary Cubans.

Comisión de atención a los presos políticos y familiares: Se crea segundo buró de la CAPPF 

Cuba’s “Black Spring” commemorated in Camagüey and Villa Clara

Arrestado e incomunicado en la Habana Secretario General de la Confederación Obrera Nacional Independiente de Cuba

Carlos Serpa Maceira : Conmemora Movimiento Sindical Independiente en Cuba Aniversario de la Primavera Negra 


March 16, 2007

Al Qaeda thug Sheikh Mohammed admits he beheaded Daniel Pearl. In addition, he claimed responsibility for the 9/11  and Bali mass murders. But he can count on those who are still calling for shutting down GITMO, even though they don’t tell where they would like these thugs to be taken.

Opinion Journal: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s World War

Carlo Panella: Afghanistan: l’Unione vuole una Conferenza di pace con gli sgozzatori

New York Sun: Al-Jazeera’s Dirty Little Secret

Our ‘friends’ in the Persian Gulf: Persian Gulf Goliath .Dubai-based billionaire enterpreuner Khalaf Al Habtoor says “the U.S. funded he 9/11 attacks”.

SMCCDI: Iranian Teachers beaten and arrested

SMCCDI: Insegnanti iraniani picchiati ed arrestati

U.N. to focus permanently on Darfur, Iran, Cuba,China Israel. The United Nations has shown once again why it’s a totally bankrupt and failed organization, which sides with tyrants and terrorists and forgets the truly-persecuted and oppressed, such as the people of Darfur, who is dying under the daily air strikes of the genocidal Sudanese regime.

Petizione a favore della libertà di pensiero, contri i fascisti islamici. Solidarietà a Stefano Allievi, perseguitato dal fascista islamico Adel Smith.

French Jews flee persecution in France and flock to South Florida. This should be an alarming sign of a dark past we hoped it wouldn’t never occur again.

Pierre Akel: Foreign Policy, Reform and Terror in the Kingdom of Doublspeak

Petition to help free Bangladeshi rationalist and pro-Israel journalist Salah Choudhury

“Man-made Global Warming” becoming a new form of totalitarianism. Scientists threatened with death for ‘climate denial’

Kyoto’s Futile Future.The Green Left can say sayonara to its favorite treaty.

Stretching the Truth

Zimbabwean opposition chief brutally beaten

Lissette y Willy Chirino, un primer disco juntos (Check out “Music, Songs and Videos in my blogroll, to listen to some of the songs in their new album)

March 12, 2007

Multiculturalism and Islam: suicide of the West and women’s rights. So-called “dialogue with the Islamic world” and juridical relativism on marriage and polygamy play havoc with the dignity of women and equality between sexes. The Koran: it’s o.k. to beat women.

Multiculturalismo e Islam: suicidio dell’occidente e dei diritti delle donne.Il cosiddetto “dialogo con il mondo islamico” e il relativismo giuridico su matrimonio e poligamia gettano al macero la dignità della donna e la sua uguaglianza con l’uomo. Il Corano : picchiare la donna è giusto.

Daniel Pipes on Tariq Ramadan’s allegations against Magdi Allam.

Daniel Pipes: Tariq Ramadan mente [riguardo a Magdi Allam]

Dismissing the claims of those who fault the human being for the global warming. Channel 4’s “The Great Global Warming Swindle” documentary can now be seen here.

Spain discovers to be still a target of the Islamists even after pullout from Iraq.

There is still hope in Eurabia. Some good news from Sweden.

Magdi Allam: Islam, la moschea «moderata» di Milano

Amil Imani: Is America a Bully?

Giornata della donna a Teheran nel segno della repressione

The Iraq Talks

Miss Israel finalist quits after family’s honour killing plot

Freedom for Egyptian writes has an interesting post on the Egyptian Blogger Abdel Kareem.

Why the movie “300” should be boycotted by those who love historical truth. There are two petitions protesting the insult to the great Persian civilization by the movie “300”. I recommend you to go read them and, if you agree, sign them. That movie isn’t only an insult to the Persian civilization: it’s an insult to the HISTORICAL TRUTH. It’s  on the line of other insults, such as when the MSM calls the Persian Gulf as “Gulf” or, worse, “Arab Gulf” or when unscrupulous and fame-seeking ‘scholars’ put in doubt and danger the Iranian territorial integrity. A History Channel documentary tells things as they are. Among which: Cyrus the Great freed the Jews from Babylon; the Persians NEVER enslaved the peoples they conquered. Cyrus had issued the first Declaration of Human Rights. Also, remember; the Persian Empire was not Muslim. The Islamic invaders did their best to destroy any track of the Persian civilization. Don’t mix the Great Persian Empire with the Islamic Republic. The first was a Great NON-ISLAMIC civilization and the second is an ARAB IMPORT imposed on Iran by force.  The Islamic Republic and its “revolution” are enemy of the Persian civilization and what it has meant. It’s not suprising that, on the footsteps of the Taliban, the Mullahs are planning the flooding of the Sivand Dam, which would automatically destroy the site near the tomb of Cyrus the Great. A mankind’s heritage. Aryamehr wrote a post related to this movie. Again: the Islamic Republic is the enemy of the Iranian nation. It’s an invading force that will be defeated soone or later.

‘Logros de la revolucion’: Sin agua potable la ciudad de Manzanillo

State of emergency in Santiago de Cuba

Golpeado Por Seguridad del Estado Periodista Independiente Guillermo Fariñas Hernández

The picture just below shows a Cuban girl with her parents. The young girl suffers from brain cancer but cannot be treated in Cuba thanks to the apartheid established by the Castros’ revolution. Indeed, foreigners can enjoy the best treatment in luxurious hospital. All that is denied to the ordinary Cubans, and this girl risks to die because of this. You would say: “Her parents could bring her to America to receive treatment”. But, you know, Cubans have to ask the state for permission to leave their country even temporarily. There is no freedom of movement for ordinary Cubans. The photo was sent in by Dr. Darsi Ferrer in Havana.

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Inauguran Biblioteca Sindical Independiente Mario Chanes de Armas

Realizan vigilia en Cuba en memoria del ex preso político Mario Chanes

February 17, 2007

We just missed another big fish in Iraq: Leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq reportedly wounded

Report: Syrian Group Claims It Has Missing Israeli Soldier.Israel has never had the guts to enter Syria and rescue the soldier even by force. I doubt Mr. Olmert will have them now.

If you still have any doubt, these two polls might help convince you to choose Rudy Giuliani as GOP nomination. Or you may face 5 years of Clinton White House.

Avrete sicuramente sentito i telegiornali italiani parlare solo di Hillary Clinton. E’ stranoto che i media nostrani facciano il tifo per la cornuta moglie di Bill, con la scusa che sarebbe la prima donna presidente. Visto che di primati si tratta, perchè ad esempio i tg non dicono che anche Giuliani batterebbe un record storico? Infatti, sarebbe il prima italo-americano presidente Usa. E, stando a quasi tutti i recenti sondaggi, lui batterebbe di gran lunga sia la Clinton che gli altri candidati democratici. Per chi non lo sapesse, Giuliani è sì un uomo con le palle in politica estera (e non si farebbe influenzare dagli isterismo europei ed onusiani, come sta facendo Bush); egli è anche favorevole al diritto all’aborto, all’eutanasia,alle unioni civili ed alla ricerca sulle cellule staminali embrionali. Ecco perchè è molto amato anche dai non repubblicani. Ovviamente, ci saranno le nomination sia democratiche che repubblicane. E stando ai sondaggi tra i repubblicani, lui non avrebbe difficoltà a vincere la nomination per la corsa alla Casa Bianca. Se di record si deve parlare, i media italiani comincino a parlare anche di Giuliani. A meno che non vogliano nascondere agli italiani il fatto che ad ancora un’ anno e mezzo dal voto, Giuliani è gia in testa a quasi tutti.

Iraq-based terrorists using Austrian rifles from Iran

Nuke Boost

Magdi Allam: La lezione del tunisino che vuole eliminare i governanti. In un saggio ha scritto: «Oggi ci sono governanti lacchè dell’imperialismo e per questo bisogna ucciderli». Rached Ghannouchi, già espulso, al convegno di Napoli sui «musulmani democratici». Per chi non lo sapesse, costui è un’imam fondamentalista di Londra, che ha emesso una fatwa che invita i suoi sostenitori a cercare ed uccidere i mussulmani laici e riformisti che invocano la riforma dell’Islam e la democratizzazione delle loro società. Va detto che tra questi riformisti ci sono sia intellettuali di sinistra (come Lafif) che di destra. Non importa il colore politico. Si tratta di aiutare questi illuministi a vincere la battaglia per la laicizzazione del mondo islamico. Ringrazio Magdi per aver portato all’attenzione dei lettori italiani circa la presenza di tale personaggio quale Rachid Ghannouchi.Ho appena contattato Abu Khawla,ccordinatore della Campagna Internazionale per salvare Lafif Lakhdar dalla condanna a morte emessa proprio da tale Ghannouchi. Ho chiesto ad Abu se è possibile tradurre in inglese l’editoriale in questione e pubblicarlo su Middle East Trasparent. In seguito, verrà pubblicato sul blog dedicato a Lafif Lakhdar, dove ci si potrà rendere conto di chi è l’inquisitore islamico invitato al convegno di Napoli.

Amil Imani: PC is the Incubator of Islamism

Petition by Amil Imani: No Bombs, No Appeasement: Support the People of Iran’s Struggle for a Secular, Peaceful Democracy

While the world focuses on the nuclear issue, the Islamic Republic’s Taliban prepares to flood the Sivand Dam, part of Iran’s and Mankind’s Cultural Heritage dating back to the pre-Islamic era. The world stood idle by while Afghanistan’s Taliban destroyed the Bamyaan Buddha statues. It is standing idle by while the Islamic regime prepares to commit what it is for sure a crime against humanity. The Islamic regime is taking a major step to destroy Iran and its rich cultural heritage, while the world even allows unscrupulous people to sell and buy pieces of Iranian monuments. What is next? Will the civilized people allow the destruction of part of the mankind’s treasure? Where is the UNESCO? Below are images from a peaceful demonstrations of Iranians in Iran, protesting against the announced flooding of part of their cultural heritage.

From moroccan blogger Myrtus: Yet another Muslim nutjob cleric making the headlines….this time in Malaysia. He’s eagerly advocating to impose the use of chastity belts on women in order to protect them from sexual predators.

More children die as Dark Ages persists in the Islamic world: Polio cases jump in Pakistan as Islamists declare vaccination an American plot

A news story the global warming alarmists would not like you to read: Kathmandu gets first snowfall in 63 years

Mona Eltahawy: Arab blogs give youth venting space

And Venezuela takes a giant step toward socialist Dark Ages and bankruptcy: Chavez could nationalise supermarkets

Encouraging news from Cuba: Even some Communist Party members denounce violence against human rights activists

Jaime Leygonier: Alemania niega asilo político a opositor cubano

Carlos Serpa Maceira: Arrestan en Cuba a Observador de Derechos Humanos

Cayman sends Cuban refugees back to Castro.(Hat Tip: The Real Cuba)