August 30, 2006

Hizbullah: We’re arming for second round .Do you think I’m surprised?

Da Teheran, un portavoce Hezbollah dichiara che il gruppo nazista si sta riarmando per una seconda, peggiore offensiva contro Israele.

Israel rejects Annnan’s appeal to lift blockade on Hizballah

Kofi Annan’s anti-Israel crusade continues. Now he demands Israel to “stop killing Palestinians” (read: Palestinian terrorists). What about demanding the Palestinian Authority to stop murdering Palestinian “collaborators” (read: dissidents), Mr. Annan? 

Islamo-Fascist terrorist and murderer of innocent Iranians (and non-Iranians as well)  will play taqyia at Harvard – on Sept. 10th

Italian leftist politician uses Nazi phrase to “promote work”. President of southern Chieti province uses ‘work makes you free’ slogan that topped gates at Auschwitz in brochure to promote local job centers, saying he could not remember source but was impressed by quote

Abu Bakar Bashir,responsible for the Bali terror attacks which killed Australian tourists, is now pretending to preach hatred and jihad in Australia

Magdi Allam: Il pericolo di dare un salvacondotto agli estremisti

Palermo, Sicily (Italy). Italian police rescued a 19-year-old Tunisian girl. The girl was found at her house with her face filled with blood due to her father’s beatings. She said to the police that she couldn’t go out of home nor go in the balcony. She was monitored 24/7 by her father and another male relative, who used to beat her up often. The two men have been arrested and the girl is now hospitalized for the injuries suffered after being beaten. The news is here, but in Italian only.

Ragazza tunisina segregata in casa i carabinieri arrestano il padre.Palermo, la 19enne, sanguinante, è riuscita a chiamare il 112

Pakistan, UK try to fight forced marriages

I governi pachistano ed inglese stanno cercando di abolire la pratica disumana dei matrimoni combinati

The 20-year-old British woman of Pakistani origon , who declined to show her face and reveal her actual name and asked to go by Shazia for her own personal protection, seen in Islamabad, Pakistan on August 22, 2006. She told that her father said it would be a two-week holiday to learn about her Pakistani heritage. But the British woman soon found herself captive in a remote tribal village for over a year and promised in marriage to a first cousin she’d never met. With the British High Commission’s help this month, the woman escaped Pakistan shortly before her planned wedding.

Reportage: Il nuovo antisemitismo che si aggira per l´Europa

Anti-Islamist Egyptian Nobel Prize winner and free thinker Naguib Mahfouz has died. Mahfouz was persecuted by the Islamists for his novels and even survived an assassination attempt. Rest in Peace, Naguib.

Lilit, la nostra amica blogger iraniana, è tornata

Mexico’s election tribunal confirms Felipe Calderon’s victory.

Egypt and the Press.The Mubarak regime struggles with freedom of the press and the rising Egyptian independent media

Castroite mobs, the political police and the “rapid response” brigades are sieging the house and neighborhood where our friend Carlos Serpa Maceira lives in Isla de Pinos, a Cuban island. Other activists as well are suffering this kind of harassment in that island.News in Spanish

Brigadas de terror rapido y la seguridad del estado del terror Reprimen a Opositores en Isla de Pino

Cuban freedom fighters bravely defied the regime and walked in the streets of a Havana neighbor. Then, they (members of the Committee to Help the Dissidence, affiliated to the Brigade 2506, and the Movement to Rescue Freedom and Democracy) returned home by shouting slogans such as “Freedom for all the political prisoners”; “Freedom for the Cuban people”; “We want the change!” and “I do not cooperate with the dictatorship”). The activists were later joined by a group of ordinary Cubans, who asked not to reveal their names.News, in Spanish, here

Actividad del Ejecutivo del CAD-2506 y el Movimiento al Rescate de la Libertad y la Democracia

Informaciones y Denuncias Recopiladas por Lucas Garve, Fundación por la Libertad de Expresión