August 1, 2006

Hezbollywood? Evidence mounts that Qana collapse and deaths were staged

The majority of the Lebanese are sick of Syrian and Hizballah occupation of their country. That’s why they blame Hizballah for the incident in Qana. But you’ll only read the ‘opinions’ of those who support terror, because this is what the media want you to read.

Un’altro sito libanese dà la colpa agli Hezbollah per le morti a Qana e dice, come dovrebbero dire i mass media se non fossero filo-hezbollah, che gli Hezbollah si nascondono dietro ai civili per poter provocare la reazione israeliana.

Dennis Prager: “World Opinion” is Worthless

Da Libero: I bimbi israeliani ammazzati nel silenzio dei pacifisti

Stupid statement of the day, from Vichy France: “Iran plays stabilising role in Middle East”

First comments from freedom fighters in Cuba. From Santa Clara, Luis Ramón Hernández, Democratic Action, is pessimistic and says there’ll be a new repressive wave because the regime wants to keep itself in power with any mean. From Ciego de Ávila, blind dissident Juan Carlos González Leyva of the Cuban Foundation for Human Rights says that if Castro decided, for the first time in 47 years of absolute power, to transfer power, this is because this time he’s seriously ill. Leyva wonders what will happen in the next few months. From Havana, Martha Beatriz Roque says she believes Castro is seriously ill and he’ll not recover to re-seize the power

Statement by the Committee to Help the Opposition (CAD-2506) from Havana, Cuba

Comunicado del Ejecutivo del CAD – 2506 en La Habana

Statement of the exiled Cuban Nationalist Democratic Party (Spanish)

Nota De Prensa Del Partido Nacionalista Democratico Cubano

En estas horas decisivas para la Historia de Cuba hacemos un LLAMAMIENTO A LA NACION ARGENTINA, A SUS REPRESENTANTES Y A LAS ORGANIZACIONES DE LA SOCIEDAD CIVIL para que respalden el reclamo de Libertad del pueblo cubano. Para leer pulsar aquì

Desde Cuba: Padre denuncia indiferencia médica

Castro’s Death Watch

August 1, 2006

It continues from my previous post 

Note: my next post will be about all the other issues of the world, but will keep you updated anyway

Statement by Miscelaneas de Cuba here (Spanish)

Comunicado de Asociación Misceláneas de Cuba.

Statement by the Cuban-American National Foundation

Comunicado de la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana

Cubans in the island are waiting to know more. While it’s true many lost the fear to speak out, others are still afraid. Above all, now they fear another brutal wave of repression. In the hearts of many Cubans in Cuba, there’s strong hope for the death of their oppressor. Visit Babalù Blog to know more.

I’ve just talked to some Cuban friends inside Cuba. They’re telling me they’re very happy, but they’re cautious as well. Many people are afraid of reprisals. Furthermore, they are telling that it’s time for the exile to start act in a concrete way, instead of issuing statements “well knowing that, from where they are, that will lead to no consequences for, while we are facing the repression on a daily basis, because we’re putting our lives at risk ” . What they mean, is that for too long the exile has kept quiet over the continuous repression of those in Cuba and now they come out with statements inviting the people to take to the streets, etc. Well, it’s time for the exile to lend a REAL hand of help, not only by nice words.

My message to the Cuban friends, both in Cuba and outside: keep the calm, don’t let emotions commit errors. The regime is very nervous and it might – and almost surely it’ll – wage a new, more brutal wave of repression in the island. The opposition in Cuba (more than 300 among political parties, movements, independent libraries, etc.) is going to face growing repression as well as the people of Cuba in general.Keep the champagne bottle in your refrigerator. Celebrate (and I’ll as well), but then be realist and work in a responsible and careful way to help your countrymen regain sovereignty and freedom.

Al pueblo de Cuba cansado de dictadura y a los hermanos que dentro de la isla luchan constantemente y pacificamente: no dejar que las emociones los hagan cometir errores. Estén listos para enfrentar al régimen porqué en estos momentos la cupula corrupta del gobierno es muy nerviosa. Pero, es la hora de comenzar a romper las cadenas. Es la hora de rescatar a la patria y a devolver la democracia. Demandamos que el mundo despierte y que acabe de hablar y tome accion para ayudar (materialmente, no solo con palabras) a los que en Cuba ahora van a ser aun màs reprimidos

Castro is dying. This time is true!

August 1, 2006

* This will be updated*

Great News: Dying Fidel Castro, steps down ‘temporarily’

El tirano se està muriendo.

Hundreds of phone calls between Cubans in the island and those in Miami! (Spanish)

Crollano le linee telefoniche tra Cuba e Miami. Migliaia sono i cubani che stanno telefonando tra Cuba e Miami. I cubani nell’isola stanno aspettando di sapere come vanno a finire le cose, prima di scendere in piazza. Capite, il terrore di 47 anni di dittatura militare è ancora presente, anche se col tempo la gente ha perso la paura.

Statements by the exiled Cuban Patriotic Junta and the Democratic Directorate. (First in Spanish, second in English)

Comunicados de la Junta Patriotica Cubana y del Directorio Democratico Cubano

I’m in touch with several Cuban freedom fighters in Cuba. Will let you know what they’ll tell me. The regime now fears civil unrest!! That’s why, according to credible sources in Cuba, there’s a massive presence of police in many Cuban towns.  Read Somos Cubanos (in Spanish)

Leer Somos Cubanos para màs noticias y comunicados
