FrontPage Magazine: The Palestinian masters of disinformation and the press that aids them

Excellent news: Israeli police plan to get tough on terror-enabling International Solidarity to terrorists Movement

Intervista a Magdi Allam: dialogo e terrorismo in Italia 

Intervista ad Abdul Hadi Palazzi

Palestinian Media Watch on PA inciting children to become shaheeds

Marco Taradash, Riformatori Liberali: “I cattivi maestri che siedono in Parlamento” – Il presidente della commissione lavoro si dimetta

FPM: Who CAIRs About Terror Victims?

The Italian gov’t’s decision to arrest two top intelligence officials and prosecute 4 americans for doing the right thing by taking fundamentalist cleric Omar into custody, is a victory for terrorism and Al Qaeda and a defeat for those brave Muslims who speaks out against fundamentalism.So said my good friend Souad Sbai, president of the Confederation of the Moroccan Women in Italy. She’s a secularist and feminist, whose Hirsi Ali-style anti-Islamist activism in favor of the women abused by their male relatives drew the hatred of terror-supporting front groups such as the UCOII. One of her battles is against the teaching of Koran in the Italian public schools. Responding to a cleric during a talk-show about the teaching of Koran, she responded angrily: “Hands off our children!!! You won’t be allowed to brainwash our children!”  

State sharia in Somalia Somali Muslims who fail to perform daily prayers will be killed in accordance with Qur’anic law

La somalia ormai è uno stato talebano. I talebani al potere hanno annunciato che, come scritto nel Corano, i mussulmani che non osserveranno la preghiera quotidiana verranno uccisi

Nawaz Sharif : Musharraf almost nuked India

The Korea Liberator has a list of options for the U.S. to adopt against North Korea

The North Korean nuclear madman has conducted a brutal reign of terror in the tradition of his father

Mexico is not going to join the Castro-Chavez-Morales alliance, as right-wing PAN candidate Calderon has won the election!

El pueblo mexicano rechaza el imperialismo Castro-Chavista y elije Felipe Calderòn, del Partido Acciòn Nacional (PAN) como presidente. Mexico quiere defender su sistema democratico, por eso el candidato de Castro y Chavez ha sido derrotado. Lea la noticia clicando aqui 

I was worried about the Cuban independent journalist Carlos Serpa Maceira, as he had not reported anymore since a couple of weeks. Now he’s back and ha sent me and others an email about the growing international solidarity with the Cuban people and their aspirations to democracy. He mentiones several bloggers, including me. Read, in Spanish, here 

El periodista independiente Carlos Serpa Maceira escribiò un reporte sobre la creciente solidaridad internacional con los que en Cuba luchan por acabar con el regimèn castro-comunista. En este reporte, Carlos agradece el apoyo de, entre otros, algunos bloggers entre los cuales yo misma. Gracìas de corazòn, hermano. Seguiremos respaldandolos y denunciando al mundo los crimenes castrista. Cuenten con nosotros. Lea el reporte aquì 

Agenda Cuba and Democracy Movement (in exile): Concerns over current situation of Cuban detainees at Bahamian Detention Centre .The Bahamian authorities should free them all and allow them to go to the United States where they have their relatives. They’re not terrorists. They are political refugees fleeing Castro’s gulag !

See how Cuba looks like after 47 years of communism

Los ‘logros’ de la roboluciòn comunista y anti-cubana. Aquì se puede ver como Castro destruyò Cuba.

One Response to

  1. Lisistrata says:

    con la Somalia ci sarà da pinagere, si aprirà un’altra piaga

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