Castro Photoshopped;”Get ready for ‘bad’ news”

Communist papers in Cuba are showing photos supposed to show Castro after the surgery. In reality, it’s enough to closely analyse the details to see that the photos have been manipulated, Reuters-style, by using Photoshop.

Los organos de propaganda castrista en la isla están haciendo creer que las fotos que publicaron hoy sean verdaderas. En realidad, hay muchas pruebas que muestran que las fotos fueron manipulada por los ‘periodistas’ asalariados del régimen usando el programa Adobe Photoshop para poner una copia del organo propagandista “Granma” en mano al Coma-Andante.

Photo posted in the castroite press:

Miren la foto abajo


Miren con atención:

The white contour of the right thumb reveal the superimposition over a white paper

Y miren aquí, se puede ver mejor como adjuntaron la copia del Granma con Photoshop

The pixelation reveal a distortion of the title to follow the paper folding

Evidence is showing that the photos of the bearded tyrant have been taken BEFORE THE SURGERY. Furthermore, Castro’s press quotes Castro as saying (in reality, it’s not him, but the doctors who likely told it): “Get ready to hear some bad news“. That is, the death of the tyrant. One more reason to believe that those photos are not recent.

Hay pruebas que demuestran que las fotos no son actuales. Y lean las notas que los castristas atribuyen a Castro, pero en realidad fueron pronunciadas por los doctores:

“estar listos para cualquier noticia adversa”

Ya que no somos tan tontos, en estas palabras se puede entender que el tirano pueda haber muerto y que la ‘noticía adversa’ (en realidad, la buena noticia) será anunciada pronto

Hat Tip: Cuba Democracia y Vida, Castrianism

16 Responses to Castro Photoshopped;”Get ready for ‘bad’ news”

  1. Matt says:

    “Reuters-style” I love it! Nobody’s been saying anything whether he’s alive or dead, with the exception of state papers obviously. I think that’s really interesting they were able to show how they were faked while AP and Reuters say, “It’s impossible to determine the authenticity.” Meanwhile, I read Chávez was going to visit him. Maybe he’ll have an “accident” and we’ll wipe out two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. It was really great being in Ecuador when this news broke because they seemed to care much more than they do up here.

  2. freethoughts says:

    Imagine how the regime’s officials will feel if they visit my blog today…;)

  3. fereydoun says:

    dorud Stefania
    I can’t see them!
    do you know where is ‘Parviz’ (theinnersilence)?

    I love you……………….

  4. freethoughts says:

    Dorud Fereydoun jan!

    What you can’t see?

    I received an email from Parviz some week ago. His father has died and he had exams. But then i don’t know…I will send him an email .

    omeedvaram keh shoma khoob baashid 😉

    dooset daram 🙂

  5. freethoughts says:

    Fereydoun jan,

    I am studying Persian, because I want to speak it. When Iran will be free, I promise to visit you and spend some time with you and your friends, all of us speaking Parsi !

    It’s one of the most beautiful languages, in my opinion

  6. no2liberals says:

    Just looking at his skin color in the photo, was all I needed to know, that this was a photo from another time, before the internal bleeding, followed by surgery. No one looks that healthy, this soon after such a serious surgery.
    The excellent analysis of the photoshopping was the clincher for me.
    I cannot wish for his death, but I can send out my sincerest wish, that Cuba will soon be free from this tyrant, and his henchmen.

  7. Brent says:

    Nice Adidas suit Fidel!

  8. june76 says:

    long live photoshop – reuters and bush and fox news = why can’t it be 2008??

  9. freethoughts says:

    no2liberals. You’re correct and your analysis is mine, too.

    Honestly, I wish him to die, because if he’s fine, he’ll continue to oppress the Cubans.

    Brent, Adidas on a communist despot… 😆

  10. Shay says:

    What do you mean ‘Reuters style’? This seems to be a poor attempt. Surely they could do better?

  11. Sam says:

    I don’t see “photoshopping” – only a little JPG compression. Hmmm…

  12. juho says:

    It’s impossible to say whether the photo is manipulated or not. Maybe it’s just JPEG photo taken with a digital camera, compression can make contours like that. It could also be reflection from white paper, who knows?

  13. Greg Michael says:

    I believe you are correct, the photo of Fidel is doctored. The glow around his thumb is unusual and, if he is so tan and healthy, why not have a real news service come in and take the photos, like Reuters, (oops) or AP, (they doctor photos too). Why show Fidel is well? I think it’s becuase they have to show him as healthy so when we find out that he handed the powere over to Chavez, he was “alert” and doing it for the good of the Cuban people. See my new blog at

  14. […] Si la foto de Castro mostrando Granma es real o no, es un debate en el que participé añadiendo  un comentario en el blog del periodista, profesor y blogger colombiano Víctor Solano. Consecuente con el título de su diario, llamado “¿Comunicación?” (así, de manera interrogativa), Solano lanzó el reto de probar si las fotos son reales o es un truco de retoque digital. Opiniones sobrarán. […]

  15. […] La aparición de Hugo Chávez ayer por la tarde en Cuba derribaría cualquier sospecha sobre la situación del líder isleño. No obstante, otros bloggers en el mundo se hacían la pregunta que les hice ayer por la mañana cuando todavía no aparecía el presidente venezolano. Luis Indriago, periodista y blogger de Venezuela, nos invita a que entremos aquí. Por favor revísenlo y seguimos la conversación. Perdonen la manía de desconfiar, pero eso -aunque no siempre lo logremos- intentamos hacer los periodistas. Preguntas al aire: La presencia de Chávez ayer en Cuba haría muy difícil pensar que Castro estuviera muerto pero ¿Cree en la posibilidad de que las fotos anteriores hubiesen sido un Plan B orquestado desde antes “por si acaso”? […]

  16. […] El dedo de Castro Víctor Solano | Periodismo, Denuncias | Lunes, Agosto 14th, 2006 La aparición de Hugo Chávez ayer por la tarde en Cuba derribaría cualquier sospecha sobre la situación del líder isleño. No obstante, otros bloggers en el mundo se hacían la pregunta que les hice ayer por la mañana cuando todavía no aparecía el presidente venezolano. Luis Indriago, periodista y blogger de Venezuela, nos invita a que entremos aquí. Por favor revísenlo y seguimos la conversación. Perdonen la manía de desconfiar, pero eso -aunque no siempre lo logremos- intentamos hacer los periodistas. Preguntas al aire: La presencia de Chávez ayer en Cuba haría muy difícil pensar que Castro estuviera muerto pero ¿Cree en la posibilidad de que las fotos anteriores hubiesen sido un Plan B orquestado desde antes “por si acaso”? […]

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